Hello people! Imma ask some "getting to know you" questions.
1.For everyone: Is the element you are trialing for your favourite element? if its not then which is and why didnt you trial for it? If it is then which is your 2nd favourite and would consider trialing for it next time if you dont win these trials?
2.For everyone: Do you value higher the general of an element in war or the element itself? (for example your favourite element is
but STANDIN became the master of
would you want to join the great master STANDIN or your favourite element no matter what general it has?)
3. For everyone: On the other side of the coin. As a general yourself, would you value higher more active players that may not hold your element as their favourite or players that have your element as their favourite but arent so active-or there are other problems-?
5. Challengers Only: assuming you make it to the finals. How would you react if the master didnt draft you in the coming war?(considering you want to be in the same team)
6. Last question for everyone: Why do you want to win trials? Why do you want to be a master?
#1. Air is my favorite element by far. Not because I dislike any other element, but because Air resonates with me the most. My second favorite would be ....Life? Or would it be Light? It's very close. But no, I would not consider Trialing for either because Air is my element. I would not willingly choose to be
the representative of an element that I did not feel was the best element for me to be representing.
#2. The Element. While the General would have some influence on whether or not I'd want to be on that team, me being on the war team of an element I did not like would sort of ruin the fun for me. If my friend was he General for Earth, and he loved Earth, and I was drafted for Air's War team, I would be thrilled. In part because I'm a sucker for friendly competition, and in part because we'd both be competing using the elements we love.
#3 It'd probably be some mix. If someone loved Air, I would definitely want them on my team. But if they can't be relied on to make their matches, I'd be more hesitant to draft them.
#5. I'd be...Surprised, in all honestly. I've shown myself to be a compent PvPer, and have made my love for Air more than well known. It might be a bit of arrogance here, but if I wasn't me, and I was Generaling...I'd do everything in my power to draft me.
#6.This is assuming I want to. As I stated earlier, I do not believe I am the best for the job. When I joined Trials, I knew I would not win the mastership. But I signed up because I love Air and want to represent it in any and every way that I can. Do I want to win? Of course. Do I believe I should win? Far from it.