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10th Trials - Challenger's Entrance https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61861.msg1231948#msg1231948
« on: April 30, 2016, 03:58:30 pm »


Please make sure you've read the Rules very carefully. Also, here are the Phase 1 Rules.
To join these Trials, post in this thread a single post containing the following information:

Spoiler for Requirements:
-Evidence of Score Requirement
-Evidence of Established Account Requirement

Spoiler for Phase 1:
Spoiler for Task 1:
-Name of Task
-Evidence of completion

Spoiler for Task 2:
-Name of Task
-Evidence of completion

Spoiler for Task 3:
-Name of Task
-Evidence of completion

Spoiler for War Bonus:
-Evidence of participation last war
-If you were a General, and were in the same War team as the element you are trialing for, evidence of your General-ship

Spoiler for Brawl Bonus:
-Evidence of participation last brawl
-If you were a Boss, evidence of your Boss-ship

Spoiler for Loyalty Bonus:
-Tell us how many times you have participated in Trials for this element before
-Give us evidence of your participation in each of those trials

Remember, the Requirements to Challenge are:

  • 30,000+ score in Elements
  • 200+ forum posts
  • Joined the forums no less than 3 months ago (at the time of signing up)
  • Participation in at least three separate PVP Events (Leagues, War, Weekly Tournaments, etc.)
Spamming the forums to get those 200 posts is not allowed, and you have to provide a screen shot of your score.

A player may participate in Trials without meeting the 200 post and 30,000 score requirements if they are able to provide evidence of a significant PVP achievement. Examples of sufficient achievements are:
  • Winning a Weekly Tournament
  • A top 3 finish in either of the PVP Leagues
  • A top 3 finish in a PVP event
  • Finishing on 1 of the top 3 War teams
  • Becoming a Master of any Element

Note: In the event more there are more than four challengers for one element, priority will be given first to players with the higher Phase 1 scores and second to a combination of score/post count.


Master Afdarenty of :air is defending.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2016, 04:12:44 am by Zawadx »
When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

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Re: 10th Trials - Challenger's Entrance https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61861.msg1231973#msg1231973
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2016, 05:45:50 pm »
Spoiler for Requirements:
I am very lazy.

I satisfy 3 of the pvp conditions on that screenshot as shown by the awards for leagues, master of air, and tournament, + the war one (but again, lazy)
Registration date :     31-03-2011, 14:10:44. THE REAL ONE. (as mentioned later for loyalty bonus)

Spoiler for Phase 1:
Spoiler for Task 1:
Waging War against the False Gods
Well, this was challenging.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 71a 71a 71a 71a 71a 71a 71u 71u 71u 71u 71u 71u 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 7n8 7n8 7n8 7n8 7n8 7n8 8pr

The wings add some interesting playing decisions, and extra defense ex vs serket or lionheart.
Beautiful deck imo.

Spoiler for Task 2:
Starting Your Own Little War
Unupped : You must kill your opponent in a single attack.
Shard of Bravery, Sundial, Shard of Divinity, Stoneskin and Golden Hourglass are banned.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5op 5op 5op 5pa 5pa 5pa 5pa 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5uk 5uk 5ul 5ul 5ul 5ul 5ul 5vi 5vi 5vi 5vi 5vi 5vi 606 606 8pt

A silly deck, based on using dragons & skyblitz AND void to get a win quicker than the opponent can gather his otk cards. Sofree add some shield penetration, and potential bonus damage. Might want to refine the amount of each card to make the combo more effective & gettable earlier.

Spoiler for Task 3:
Shard Revolution
Shard of Unity
4 :air

Target gains :  All creature control targets this creature. Bounce to ally upon death or end of turn, heal 5 hp if :air
Shard of Unity
3 :air

Target gains :  All creature control targets this creature. Bounce to ally upon death or end of turn, heal 5 hp if :air

If all creatures die, the effect dissipates.
The bouncing is random.
Yes, this pulls all the cc it can from pandemonium, rain of fire, dry spell, thunderstorm, plague, retroviruses. Sequentially, if one of the effect kills it, it bounces and continues the rest of the effects that should have been applied on the new creature.

The theme behind was flocks, having a rotating leader. It heals as it rests at the back of the pack.
How it adds : without shard of freedom, air misses on a decent mean to protect its creatures. So here it is, CC protection. It benefits large swarms, or very bulky creatures, something that air is decent at. This also strengthens a possibility for a gravity or earth duos :D
Balancing : What the hell for the air bonus, hmm? Heal for thematic and strengthens the card. Quanta : 4, slightly lower than quintessence. It feels slightly weaker than that, because of the fact that it doesn't stop CC, just delays it (save for air). Might or might not need more balancing on the quanta cost or the healing.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4sr 4sr 4sr 4t9 4t9 4t9 4t9 5li 5li 5li 5li 5lk 5lk 5lk 5lk 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oj 5oj 5oj 5oj 5oj 5oj 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 8pn

Stronger with the addition of the shard, as it protects the queen in masses, and the fireflies too. Pretty bulky.

Spoiler for Brawl Bonus:

« Last Edit: May 03, 2016, 03:21:57 pm by Jenkar »
The madness is in each of us. Close your eyes, sing, and open your webbed wings to the silent winds.
Beautiful art : http://i.imgur.com/eUhyYCC.png

Offline Hyroen

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Re: 10th Trials - Challenger's Entrance https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61861.msg1231997#msg1231997
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2016, 01:43:55 am »
Spoiler for Requirements:

Spoiler for Phase 1:
Spoiler for Task 1:

Spoiler for Task:
From Trials #4:
Shard Revolution
  • Pretend that your element has no Shard. Design a new Shard for your element.
    • Explain how this card is a good addition to your Element.
    • Explain how you have balanced the new Shard
    • Build a deck you think will be effective which includes your new Shard
Submission details:
  • For your Trials submission simply post the card image, deck idea, and explanations in your Challenger's Entrance post
  • You will likely find this thread very helpful
  • You may complete all the steps in that thread to submit the card to the Crucible, but that is not required

Spoiler for Submission:

Possible Deck
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4t9 4t9 4t9 4t9 4t9 4t9 7k2 7k2 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mv 7mv 7mv 7mv 7mv 7mv 80d 80d 80d 80d 8pr

(Relics represent proposed Shard of Freedom.)

:air Air is undeniably an element of freedom and flexibility. Its creatures can take advantage of their freedom of movement to soar into the skies and deal extra damage. It is also however an element of relatively cheap cards with one of the most cost-effective 0-cost creature in Damselfly. This interpretation of freedom, in the ability to be able to cards at a whim is what inspired the shard presented. Its ability to decrease the cost of any card in one's hand to a minimum of 0 allows it to adopt cards of other elements with ease and play them freely as long as enough :air is collected. Furthermore, it also has the :entropy Nova ability to produce 1 of each quanta for the user. In this way, not only can it allow expensive cards to be played through its main effect, but cheaper cards as well through its secondary effect.

The version of Shard of Freedom currently in the game is an interesting interpretation of freedom, however, it is seen as one of the more overpowered shards and the way the percentage stacks (additively) has been seen as clunky and of poor design. The proposed Shard of Freedom is balanced keeping in mind its primary and secondary effects and so as to not overshadow Nova, whose ability to cooperate with the mulligan can be essential to many decks relying on it for its quanta-generating effects.

Spoiler for Task 2:

Spoiler for Task:
From Trials #7:
Waging War against your Enemies
Trials #7 did not have Phase 1 tasks. As it was a more PVP oriented Trials, it seems fitting that it is remembered by a PVP task.
  • You will play 2 extra Bo5 Matches in Phase 2.
    • These extra matches will only be played against other players who chose this task, or STANDINs if necessary.
    • Matches will follow the standard Phase 2 Rules
Submission details:
  • Simply post that you have chosen this task in your Challenger's Entrance post

Spoiler for Task 3:

Spoiler for Task:
From Trials #8:
Starting Your Own Little War
  • Develop an idea for a weekly tournament. The idea does not have to be entirely original, but should include some original aspects
  • Provide (in spoiler tags of course!) one deck that is primarily of the element you are challenging which you could use in that tournament
Submission details:
  • For your Trials submission simply post the name and rules of your tournament along with your "hidden" deck in your Challenger's Entrance post.
  • You may post it to Weekly Tournament Ideas Thread as well, but this is not required

Spoiler for Submission:
Sky Battle - Unupgraded

Special Rules
  • Upgraded cards are banned.
  • Shards are permitted in general, see exceptions below.
  • All creatures in your deck (if any) must have the passive skill "Airborne."
  • Flying Weapon | Animate Weapon may be used to produce creatures with the passive skill "Airborne."
  • Each deck used may not use the Mark of :air Air.
  • Wings are permitted however, are not advised.
  • Decks must contain 35 cards or less. (28 cards max before drawing any cards, 27 cards after drawing for the first time.)
  • Shard of Patience, Shard of Freedom, and Fire Bolt are banned.

Possible Deck
Spoiler for Deck:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5bs 5bs 5bs 5c5 5c5 5c5 5c5 5c5 5c5 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5og 5og 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 8pn

Spoiler for War Bonus:

Spoiler for Brawl Bonus:

« Last Edit: May 13, 2016, 11:22:15 am by Hyroen »

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Offline Timdood3

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Re: 10th Trials - Challenger's Entrance https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61861.msg1232004#msg1232004
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2016, 04:08:00 am »
Spoiler for Requirements:

While just under 200 posts, note the two tournament wins.

Spoiler for Phase 1 tasks:
Spoiler for Building the Game!:
-Rewards from AI2 and AI3 have been raised to give new players an easier time trying new decks.
--AI2 reward from ~10 -> ~20
--AI3 reward from ~20 -> ~30
-The way the arena leaderboards calculate has been updated to see more consistency between the preformance of a deck and its place on the leaderboard.

-The number of quanta scrambled by Discord has been reduced slightly.
--9 quanta in both forms -> 6 unupgraded, 7 upgraded
-Added Aflatoxin and Rage Potion the the Pandemonium table
-The "Deja Vu" ability on a mutant will now create a copy of itself instead of another random mutant.

-Aflatoxin's cost has been reduced by 1 in both unupgraded and upgraded forms to increase playability.

-Gravity Shield's upgraded form has been changed to Antigravity Shield:  Creatures with less than 5 hp are unable to reach you.
--In addition, both the upgraded and unupgraded forms cost 4.

-Shrieker's ATK has been reduced to mitigate some of the power of rushes using graboids.
--Shrieker ATK from 8 -> 7
--Elite Shrieker ATK from 10 -> 8

-Giant Frog's cost has been increased by 1 to reflect the huge increase in power.
-A Scorpion targeted with Adrenaline will now apply stacks of Venom twice regardless of whether the 1st or 3rd attacks were blocked by a shield (assuming the Scorpion lands attacks twice).
--This change applies to Deathsalker and Dune Scorpion as well.

-Phoenix's Ash HP reduced to 3 to allow CC to at least touch phoenix.
-Fire Shield and Buckler now reduce incoming damage by one.  While Fire Shield accomplished the goal of taking out enemy creatures, it just costed too much health to be worthwhile.

-Steam Machine's upgraded HP has been reduced to 10 to allow it to remain somewhat vulnerable to CC.

-Holy Flash has been given a cost of one :chroma to allow it to be used in any deck without interfering with mulligans.

-Fixed a bug where Fog Shield would block 60% of attack instead of 40%

-Fate Egg now longer causes disconnects in pvp.
-"Obsession" will now deal damage to both players when Ghost of the Past is discarded.

-Nightfall/Esclipse cost reduced by 1.
-Devourer/Pest now only gives :darkness quanta to its owner every other quanta absorbed.

Aether has been removed from the game.
Spoiler for Shard Revolution!:
Air has a running theme of being able to be used as both slow and fast decks, and Shard of Resonance fits into that theme by fitting into either one.  You can use the unupped version to pelt your opponent directly, or the upped version to kill off your opponent's creatures and control the match.  It also fits into Air mechanically because of its prerequisite for/synergy with CC.

Relevant note:  In its upgraded form, each shard will do its damage individually, meaning each can potentially hit different targets, and no damage will be assigned to a creature that died from another shard.

With multiple Shards, you can turn one Shockwave into two, one snipe into three, etc.  The low cost is warranted because it takes multiple shards to have much of an impact.  It deals its damage so slowly that if the cost was any higher, you'd be better of using Shockwave in just about any situation.  Compared to Shockwave, it will do its damage slower, but repeatably.  When used in tandem with repeatable CC (such as Eagle's Eye) or AoE (Thunderstorm, Unstable Gas), Shard of Resonance can take chunks out of your opponent or devastate his creatures, respectively.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n6 7n6 7n6 7n6 7n6 4t9 4t9 4t9 4t9 4t9 4t9 8po

Relic = Shard of Resonance.  They can be upgraded, unupgraded, or even a mix depending on what you expect to face.  It just depends where you want the damage going, really.
Spoiler for Mastering the Cards!:
Air has a wide variety of uses, and that shows in its diverse card pool.  Wyrm, Firefly Queen, and Owl's Eye all serve very different uses, but unify the element we all know and love as Air.

Wyrm's primary strength lies in it's ability, Dive, which doubles its attack.  If your goal is to kill your opponent by damage, and your deck is comprised primarily of Air, chances are there's going to be Wyrms in your deck.  Dive double not only the attack of the Wyrm itself, but also any buffs that have been given to it.  As such, any card that raises the attack power of the Wyrm is doubly effective.  Cards like Chaos Power, Blessing and Shard if Wisdom are all very good fits, and from all different elements too!  The only thing holding Wyrm back from being included in most all rush decks is it's high upkeep cost.  In order to dive, you need to use two :air, meaning that there's just no room for it in rainbow rushes.  In order to be used effectively, you should use a duo (preferably one that can buff its attack, as mentioned), or a trio if you can manage.  Usually six copies of a buff card is enough however, so a trio really is just cutting into the consistency of the deck.

Firefly Queen highlights the sheer versatility of Air not only by having an off element cost, but also by having that ability create a third type of quanta (either :light or :fire).  It can be seen in some fast decks, but usually you're better off using it in something a bit slower, but not late-gamey.  The goal is usually to have the ramping damage from increasing numbers of fireflies take out your opponent while other things keep your opponent from taking you down.  Things like Hope and Empathic Bond synergize well, with Hope reducing incoming damage by the number of Fireflies you have, while Empathic Bond heals you for just as much.  However, if your heart is set on something faster, there's always Adrenaline, which quadruples the damage output of a firefly thanks to Adrenaline's 'sweet spot' of three attack.  Not only that, but it also generates extra :light for....Well, whatever you want, really.  Blessings, Shard of Divinity, hell, even Golden Dragon if you want a little more burst.

Finally, we go from slow to slower with Air's rare weapon:  Owl's Eye.  The main use of Owl's Eye is to take out your opponent's creatures, obviously.  Used in combination with other defensive measures, Owl's Eye can wipe out your opponent's armies and leave them with nothing to kill you.  Shields like Wings or Bonewall work well, though in different ways.  Wings will keep most creatures from reaching you while you chip away at them, while Bonewall will keep you from being hit, and grow when something inevitably dies.  Even better is when your opponent has a few smalls creatures, and you just drop Bonewall and ping them down.  Cards like Shockwave can accelerate the killing process when time is of the essence, when one source of damage just isn't enough to save you.  Even Freeze will allow you to take out a creature while it's not only defenseless, but not harming you.

Spoiler for War Bonus:

Spoiler for Brawl Bonus:
None v.v

Spoiler for Loyalty Bonus:
Sadly, devotion does not count toward this sort of loyalty.  Next time!
« Last Edit: May 13, 2016, 05:37:51 pm by Timdood3 »

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Re: 10th Trials - Challenger's Entrance https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61861.msg1232024#msg1232024
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2016, 10:06:36 am »
Defending? Of course I'm defending. It took me this long just to get comfortable, did you think I'd move now?!

Zawadx and Physsion will henceforth act as the only TrOs for The Trials of Air. In case of a ruling covering two TrOs, it is settled by the third. In case of a ruling covering all TrOs, it is settled by the admins. If you have any issues regarding fairness, please contact the TrOs or the Admins IMMEDIATELY.

Spoiler for Requirements:
I'll enter on the PVP requirements, as it is less screen shotting. I have previously (and currently) been a Master of an Element. See awards for proof.

Spoiler for Phase 1:
Spoiler for Trials #1 Task, Master the Cards:

I've always considered Wings to be one of the most interesting Air cards. Against some decks, it is powerful enough to win you the game all by itself. Against others, it is entirely useless. Any deck that wants to slow down the opponent can benefit from the addition of Wings, whether they aim to win by deck out or by damage. Simply play it once your opponent has developed two or three creatures onto the board.

To better understand what it is capable of, and to have a better idea of its limitations, in the spoilers below are the creatures that can hit past Wings and the creatures that cannot.

Spoiler for Creatures not blocked by Wings (34):
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4vd 4vf 52h 52i 52k 55l 55o 58r 5bt 5bv 5c1 5f2 5f3 5fc 5fe 5id 5l9 5la 5lb 5le 5od 5oe 5of 5oj 5ok 5rh 5rm 5rq 5ul 5ut 5uv 61p 61v 625

Spoiler for Creatures blocked by Wings (54):
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4ve 4vh 4vm 4vq 500 52j 52m 52t 52u 534 55m 55n 55r 55u 563 568 56i 58p 58q 58u 590 591 596 59c 5bu 5c0 5c8 5cg 5f1 5fa 5fk 5i5 5i6 5ib 5ie 5if 5ii 5io 5ll 5ls 5p0 5ri 5rn 5rs 5rt 5ru 5um 5un 5v0 5v8 61s 620 626 62c

When you look at the list of creatures blocked by Wings, you'll notice that it blocks many of the most efficient damage-to-cost ratio creatures in the game. Lycanthrope, Mummy, Graboid, Shrieker, Lava Golem, Nymph Queens and Ghost of the Past in particular are all staple cards in some of the fastest decks in the game, both in their upgraded and unupgraded forms. If you want to run a deck with less efficient, slower creatures you need some way to catch up with these faster creatures. Wings gives you 5 turns to do so, which is normally more than enough.

The drawback, of course, is flying creatures. If you're relying on Wings to buy you those extra turns you need to win against a faster deck, and the faster deck is running flying creatures, then it will be a short, painful game for you. Phoenix, Gargoyle, Psions, Sapphire Chargers, many of the Dragons, and in an upgraded format Wyrms and Guardian Angels are all cost efficient creatures that are not blocked by Wings. So how can you mitigate this weakness?

Flesh Spider/Phase Spider
Two powerful cards to use in combination with Wings are the Spiders. Their ability, Web, removes Airborne from the target creature. With a couple of these around even a whole deck of Airborne creatures will have a hard time dealing damage past your Wings. As a bonus, when upgraded both cards are extremely efficient damage dealers.

Owl's Eye
Although less obvious than the Spiders, Owl's Eye is another great addition to a deck with Wings. The ability, Snipe, can kill many dangerous flyers with only one use, such as Seraph, Crimson Dragon, Gargoyle, and Forest Spirit. After 2 uses only 5 Airborne creatures survive, and none of them are very efficient damage dealers. This means that it is very difficult to quickly deal damage past Owl's Eye and Wings when used in combination.

Reverse Time
Many of the cards that can hit through Wings either deal very little damage, or cost an awful lot of quanta to play. Reverse Time loves targeting expensive creatures - forcing your opponent to use their quanta to play one creature over and over and at the same time denying their card draw is very powerful. And if your opponent is using creatures that deal very little damage, well... What are you worried about?

Owl's Eye is, perhaps, my favourite card in the game. It has a good damage-to-cost ratio, both upgraded and unupgraded, which makes it a good choice in aggressive decks. However, the incredible and unique ability is what makes this card so powerful, and a staple in any Air deck that aims to control the opponents creatures. Few cards can generate as much card advantage as this one can.

It is a card that is best used as soon as you draw it, as the ability is limited to one use per turn. The more turns Owl's Eye is on the field, the more creatures you can kill with it. Sniping a high value creature like Crimson Dragon or Arctic Squid can often turn the tide of a game. There are many cards that have great synergy with Owl's Eye. A few of my favourites are listed below.

Flying Weapon
What's better than one Owl's Eye? Two Owl's Eye! With two, three, or even more of these on the field it becomes extremely difficult for your opponent to play creatures that will survive the turn.

As Owl's Eye is a card that can generate enormous card advantage if given enough time, it makes a lot of sense to play it with cards that will give it that time. Sanctuary performs this task perfectly. Whilst Owl's Eye is in the process of killing any creature your opponent plays, Sanctuary heals off any damage those creatures have dealt to you. This combination can be extremely difficult to play against, and is the base for one of the most powerful deck out decks in the game - the Air/Light stall.

Owl's Eye is a card that can kill a lot of creatures over the course of a game. Bonewall not only gives Owl's Eye the time to kill your opponents creatures, but it also gains layers for each creature that dies. Once a Bonewall is played with an Owl's Eye on the field, there's a good chance that the Bonewall will last until the end of the game.

Although one of the Air cards that sees the least play, Firefly Queen fills an interesting niche. After using her ability three or four times, the damage output from Firefly Queen is enormous. This, plus her high starting health, make her an extremely effective card for any Air/Life or Rainbow deck that need either a high damage output from few card slots or a better ability to stall break. Notable examples of these kinds of decks are Adrenastaves (Adrenaline, Druidic Staff, and Flying Weapon) and various Rainbow stall decks. When you play a Firefly Queen, you should aim to use her ability every time you have the opportunity to do so.

In fact, Firefly Queen has such a powerful ability that it's not unusual to see entire decks built around her. As Firefly Queen is a card that starts slowly, many of the cards in these decks are there to help you survive the weak early game phase. These can be cards such as Wings and Owl's Eye, both mentioned above, Shockwave, Thunderstorm, and many others. Some of the most interesting cards are mentioned below.

This shield is a key card in any Firefly Queen deck. Each time her ability is used, a Firefly with Bioluminescence is created. For each Firefly, Hope will block 1 damage from each enemy creature. This combination can grow out of control very rapidly, and will often be enough to lock decks out of dealing any damage at all for the rest of the game.

Empathic Bond
Firefly Queen is a card that will produce many creatures over the course of a game. Empathic Bond uses these creatures to help Firefly Queen decks survive the mid-game, and it single handedly allows allows them to beat Poison decks. However, although powerful they are quite expensive cards. I would recommend only using two or three in one deck.

Shard of Freedom
Firefly Queens are quite vulnerable to Creature Control cards like Basilisk Blood, Gravity Pull, and Reverse Time. Shard of Freedom offers some protection against those cards, and provides a great damage boost and very valuable shield bypass. As Firefly Queen produces so many creatures each Shard can have a big impact.

Spoiler for Trials #2 Task, Waging War against the False Gods:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
7mu 7mu 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 808 808 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80e 80e 80h 80h 816 816 816 816 816 816 81q 81q 8pu

As soon as I started thinking about an Air deck to beat False Gods, I thought about Firefly Queens and Hope (in fact, I actually built a version, and it performed quite well). Then I remembered one of my favourite decks from last War, a certain Shard of Wisdom/Wyrm deck, and I couldn't resist building this. Winning with a 50+ attack Wyrm never gets old.

The basic strategy is to chain Dimensional Shields to keep yourself alive, whilst dealing rediculous damage with a heavily buffed, immortal, spell damage Wyrm. You should wait to play Wyrm until you can play Quintessence on it in the same turn, to prevent if from being killed. Electrocutor is excellent against Momentum decks, Shard of Focus, a few False Gods that use Rays of Light to fuel their Light cards, and various other threats.

Strategy Tips
Against several False Gods, using Quintessence will have no effect, as their decks have no Creature Control cards in them. Against others, it actually has a negative effect, as some Gods use shields that Reflect spell damage. Elidnis is something of a special case - he has shields that can reflect Spell Damage, but only two of them in 100 cards. As this God also has a lot of Creature Control, in the form of Congeal, your best chance to win is to play Quintessence and hope he doesn't draw his shields. These are the Gods you should not use Quintessence against:
  • Divine Glory
  • Ferox
  • Gemini
  • Miracle
  • Paradox
  • Serket

Several Gods use Miracle in their decks. The AI won't use Miracle unless you're close to killing them, so if you hold on to your Shards of Wisdom and play them all in one turn you can often surprise kill the False God before they actually have the chance to play their Miracles. This is the most effective way to defeat them, with one exception - Morte. Morte uses Deadly Poison, which hits past your Dimensional Shields. He also only has 2 Miracles in a 96 card deck. Because you don't have much time to kill Morte, and there is a good chance he doesn't draw Miracle anyway, I would recommend using your Shards of Wisdom ASAP against him. Other than Morte, the False Gods with Miracle in their deck are:
  • Divine Glory
  • Miracle
  • Paradox
    • If draw your Electrocutor early and use it on Ray of Lights, Paradox often won't have enough Light Quanta to play Miracle. In these cases, feel free to play Shards of Wisdom as soon as you draw them.
  • Rainbow

To show you just what the deck is capable of, here are some screenshots!
Spoiler for Screenshots:

Spoiler for Trials #8 Task, Starting your own Little War:
For each game, each player will PM the deck they will use to the Tournament Organiser (TO). The TO then shows the deck to the players opponent, who will select 1 non-pillar/pendulum card from the deck. All copies of the targeted card are replaced with Relic (or another unplayable card, if Relics are unavailable), then players use those decks as normal.

I like this idea because it makes players build decks in a different way to most tournaments, and completely prevents copy/pasting decks from other events. It makes players think a lot about how their deck can win without their most important card in each match. Inspired by the Bishop perk from the Grand Master Battle.

Spoiler for Example deck:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
7dm 7dm 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7mu 7mu 7mu 7mv 7mv 7n5 7n5 7n5 7n7 7n7 7n8 7n8 7ng 7ng 8po

Running only 2-3 copies of a card helps limit the number of dead draws you will have. This deck is packed full of cards that can single handedly win games. Wings is extremely powerful if you remove the airbourne creatures from your opponents decks, Eagle's Eye is extremely powerful if you remove your opponents high health creatures, and Air Nymph almost forces people to remove it, protecting your other important cards.

Spoiler for War Bonus:
General of Air, 2nd place.
A link to one of my favourite matches last War. Huge Wyrms are so much fun!

Spoiler for Brawl Bonus:

Spoiler for Loyalty Bonus:
2 previous Trials - see Master of Air awards.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2016, 10:02:30 pm by Afdarenty »

Offline ZawadxTopic starter

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Re: 10th Trials - Challenger's Entrance https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61861.msg1232549#msg1232549
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2016, 08:04:43 pm »

Aether has been removed from the game.[/spoiler]

Great, now you removed all the fun :<
When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

Offline justaburd

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Re: 10th Trials - Challenger's Entrance https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61861.msg1232604#msg1232604
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2016, 04:56:27 am »
Chirp chirp jenk chirp
Chirp trill Hyroen chirp chirp
Warble timdood3
Chirp trill chirp afda! Chirp chirp
Chirp? *looks around*


blarg: Jenkar,Hyroen,timdood3,Afdarenty,Zawadx,Physsion