Well ignoring that little event...
Yes, these were the results I expected for the most part. Best of luck to pikachufan and Marisa in the finals, and I hope both of you enjoy your potential spot as Aether Master. I wasn't expecting to win, but thanks to the 18 people that decided to vote for me. I know most of you who had already told me, so I'll be sure to thank you when the time comes.
However, there is one particular member that deserves my thanks right now. He decided to interview me in chat one day and, while this is probably not his intention, it was particularly touching for me. He has given me permission to post this (albeit edited at one point).
[03:38:35 AM] Gl1tch [»] Dragoon1140: I'm debating about voting for you...
[03:38:42 AM] Dragoon1140 [»] Gl1tch: Oh?
[03:39:00 AM] Gl1tch [»] Dragoon1140: I've already spoken my concerns to Higs, and she answered.
[03:39:09 AM] Gl1tch [»] Dragoon1140: So I shall allow rebuttal, and repeat my question to you.
[03:39:18 AM] Gl1tch [»] Dragoon1140: 1) What is it you bring to master of aether that she does not?
[03:39:35 AM] Gl1tch [»] Dragoon1140: 2) How would you counter those who would say you just like aether, it's not your favorite element. That you are unloyal.
[03:40:27 AM] Dragoon1140 [»] Gl1tch: 1) Well I've experienced War and assisted my team in taking 5th place, which I'm proud of. I also have the ego to call myself
[03:40:38 AM] Dragoon1140 [»] Gl1tch: a Master, while also being nice enough to pull it off.

[03:41:33 AM] Dragoon1140 [»] Gl1tch: 2) Opinions change. The only time I said Aether wasn't my favorite element was about five months ago in a video. After going
[03:41:51 AM] Dragoon1140 [»] Gl1tch: through War, I've found I really like to use and play with Aether decks.
[03:42:30 AM] Dragoon1140 [»] Gl1tch: Basically, I can run my War team better and Aether is, indeed, my favorite element. Anybody who says otherwise hasn't talked
[03:42:36 AM] Dragoon1140 [»] Gl1tch: to me about it in a decent while.
[03:42:55 AM] Gl1tch [»] Dragoon1140: Hrm.... interesting...
[03:43:46 AM] Dragoon1140 [»] Gl1tch: So, did I rebuttle properly?

[03:43:56 AM] Gl1tch [»] Dragoon1140: Was higs on team Aether in the war?
[03:44:34 AM] Dragoon1140 [»] Gl1tch: Only Icecoldbro and myself was on the War team. As far as I know, Marisa has no War experience.
[03:45:22 AM] Gl1tch [»] Dragoon1140: Interesting...
[03:45:26 AM] Gl1tch [»] Dragoon1140: You, sire, just earned a vote.
[03:45:50 AM] Dragoon1140 [»] Gl1tch: I'm glad I could help.

[03:46:26 AM] Gl1tch [»] Dragoon1140: Just an FYI: you earned it because of 3 things.
[03:46:37 AM] Gl1tch [»] Dragoon1140: 1) You countered the argument that you aren't loyal. Loylaty is a biggy for me.
[03:46:57 AM] Gl1tch [»] Dragoon1140: 2) ---Hidden by request---
[03:47:06 AM] Gl1tch [»] Dragoon1140: 3) You picked monoaether in the duels.
[03:47:12 AM] Gl1tch [»] Dragoon1140: Good luck! =)
[03:47:58 AM] Dragoon1140 [»] Gl1tch: Thank you kind sir!
[03:48:56 AM] Dragoon1140 [»] Gl1tch: ...you're still going to call me a pedo, aren't you?
[03:50:04 AM] Gl1tch [»] Dragoon1140: <3
Regardless, I am disappointed Phase 3 ended the way it did in this topic, all of us are above that.
Good luck.