He lives in a house, in a very big house in the country.
Where is aether is the house? And why Dim Shield and Fractal are considered so strong?
Dim Shield is considered strong, and rightly so, because if there is no PC available, 3 turns of invulnerability is a
lot. Once most players become more experienced, they realise it's not
that powerful as they may have thought at first, but it will always remain a powerful card for the metagame due to 3 turns being a lot of time to do serious damage. Luckily, it's expensive and it's easy to do alternate damage, so it's rather balanced.
Fractal on the other hand is a much more complex point. I have never seen a card that grants this much card advantage in any card game. Card advantage is the principle of simply having access to more cards in a card game, and it's generally accepted as the most important factor for winning a game. Potentially giving 8 cards for 1 madness, no matter the quanta cost. Now, realising card advantage is not the reason most consider it so strong. No, the reason for that is pure power. Fractal decks being an archetype of their own says a lot of the power of the card, and how it strongly affects the metagame. No matter how you look at it, it's the most unconditionally powerful card in the game.
What's strange to me, though, is when somebody says Fractal interferes with a card idea, since TU already duplicated creatures, including Flying Weapons, anyway. I can see a problem when creatures benefit the only when played directly from the hand, but that is rare enough to hardly make a major difference.
Allow me an attempt at making it unstrange. The copying is not a problem, nor is where the creature is played from. The problem is very simple: quantity. There have been hundreds of creature card ideas that have been shot down due to the fact that this creature, in large quantities, would kick far too much ass. This is usually due to their abilities.
To Higurashi:
Question 1: Please tell me a story of a time in chat/forums/during the game that gave you the most joy and pleasure.(does not have to relate to
Becoming a Tournament Organizer was definitely a very rewarding experience. I quickly became one of the team, and it brought me closer to this forum, community, and its admin. I remember how Rasta used to watch over me during the first couple tournaments, just to see if I did things right and/or needed assistance. It was pretty cute.
Becoming part of the second council has had the same effect. I was very happy to get those votes of confidence from people of the community, and I now have a very good grasp of what's going on in the community and forums. It really makes you part of the community, which in turns makes you want to care for it. I've gone from helping individual beginners in Kong/Elements chat and Deck Help/CIA boards to working on projects that affect the entire community, and it's a great feeling to be part of it all.
It's all thanks to you guys.
Question 2: The previous position of aether master was held by icybraker. If you took the rank of master aether, you would be the first woman to take the role. Do you find any significance in that fact? Or does it matter at all to you?
Not especially. I've never attributed any intrinsic values to gender or sex. What may affect me in general is the fact that I find a large lack of prominent, strong women with integrity in the world. That inspires me to be strong, prominent and to always retain my integrity, especially when I'm put in positions like this: where I become an
icon. At the same time, I cannot discard my own humbleness and helpfulness. We must always remain true to ourselves.
Question 3: Consider this scenario: You are the master for
in the next war, it is time to bid and call forth your team.
The situation is set up that you have a "all or none" option here: You can either choose "veterans/pros who are of yours friends"but they will cost a detrimental amount to your vault (completely hindering your chances), OR you can choose "beginners/newcommers/but still friends of yours" but with little compromise to your vault.
In this scenario, please choose between the veterans or beginners; you may not combine or mix from either side. This is an "all or none" situation.
Pick, and explain your choice. If you have a different strategy that can fulfill the scenario above please state so
Looking back at past Wars, I'm inclined to go for the beginner choice; costly auctions have shown to be quite detrimental. What it comes down to for me is the individual motivation of the players. They have to love my divine element, and they have to love War. Whether they're vets or beginners won't matter if I know them.