
Who is the most worthy to be the next Master of Aether

24 (58.5%)
16 (39%)
None Worthy
1 (2.4%)

Total Members Voted: 40

Voting closed: June 14, 2015, 12:27:05 pm


Offline ZawadxTopic starter

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9th Trials - Phase 3: Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=58605.msg1192364#msg1192364
« on: June 09, 2015, 12:27:05 pm »
Phase 3 - Community Vote

It's time to vote for your favorite Master candidate!  Every community member has one vote. You can change your vote at any time as long as there is still time on the clock.

Vote based on who you think would make the best Master of that element. Do not vote based on who is the best player or who you know personally. Try to pick someone who you think would help the community the most as THE representative for their element.  If you do not have any preference for who should be Master, or cannot decide between the candidates, please select the "None Worthy" option. 

To help you make the best decision possible, feel free to ask the candidates questions.  Both challengers and defending Masters ought to answer the questions in this thread to help the voters make the best possible choice.  Please put all your answers in a single post (employing spoiler tags is recommended).  Also, challengers should include in that post a link to your Phase 1 submission post.

Questions and answers may begin now that this topic is posted.
Voting will begin when the polls are up at the official start of Phase 3.
Phase 3 ends when poll expires.
When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

Offline ZawadxTopic starter

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Re: 9th Trials - Phase 3: Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=58605.msg1192365#msg1192365
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2015, 12:27:20 pm »
Phase 1.

I won't try to sugarcoat it for you: deuce is the better PvPer, and his understanding of the element is much deeper than mine. I have a long road ahead of me before I can match up with his experience. But I assure you, I'm not going to give up!

Aether is the element I hold the most dear, as it represents the realms of imagination which I call home. So from the first game I played with the aether starter deck, I wanted to master the element and make it my own. And I've come a long way too, as my not-so-dreadful Phase 2 record might say. But I still have a long way to go, and I have to admit I'm losing much of the touch I had during WC Group rounds.

Now, for me, deuce is an ultimate challenge, just what a Trial should be; you must defeat a master to ascend to mastership. Maybe you want to support his cause just to see him move onto more exciting stuff like GM Battle and pwning everyone else in war, but I myself would like more of a challenge. I trust I won't make it easy for deuce to win.

But like I said at the start, deuce is a more promising candidate. I won't be participating in Brawl as a Boss if I become Master, due to time constraints (I will however be free for War). The only thing I offer is activity. I'm much more active than deuce on chat, and am always up for applying my experience to help. I would also like to publish what I find regarding the ins and outs of Aether (and EtG as a whole, really). Of course being a master is unnecessary for that, and I should do it even if I don't become Master. But it would provide me with an inspiration to go on.

So basically, if you want to see aether on the throne again for sure, or are supporters of GM battle, eel free to vote on deuce. But if you want to give my passion a chance, I'll be glad. (It also doesn't help how deuce strawmanned it all :P). Enough chitchat, time for some answers! Feel free to ask me any bizzare or mundane questions you like, I'll do my best in answering them all!

Spoiler for Higurashi:
That naturally begs the question: will you actually be General for the next War?

Yes, yes I will.

Spoiler for theelkspeaks:
Imagine a world of Elements where Dim Shield, Fractal, and Psion all didn't exist.

Zanz comes to you and proposes these three cards to be added to the game, but says he only plans to implement one of the three.  Which do you choose and why?

Same question, but this time Zanz tells you to pick 2 of the 3.

You may assume for the purpose of this question that in this alternate world, Shard of Wisdom is already allowed in most PVP events if it changes your answer at all.

Without Psion, Fractal or Dim Shield, Aether is at a pretty weak spot. It exists as a pure rush/domin element, using the high damage to cost ratio of its creatures alongside Lightning. tbh, Aether could still be pretty good in this state with sufficient upgrades, as Phase Recluse, Silence and Lightning will perform greatly. Unupped, aether has a strong Immortal/SoW/Lightning mono. It's strongest duos are Bonebolt and Grabbow, and probably PUGons or Quint Stuff. Due to the constraints of Aether cards, SoW reflect could be a good choice, especially in an environment like Trials.

Let's see what the impact of the suggested cards would be:

Psion: Psion would help aether rush overcome the weakness of shields. I suspect wings would be a strong counter to the standard mono-aether stuff, though it is weak to PUGons. Fog and dusk can be problematic too. Psion would also open up the new possibilities of Psion buff decks which would work on their own, though they'd be inconsistent. Psion would be a novel addition to Aether, but it wouldn't be enough to remove aether from mid-tier.

Dim Shield: Dim Shield... the most hated card in the game. This card could would make aether extremely strong against some elements, mainly :life, :light, :entropy, :earth, :water and :time. However, with the exception of :earth and :light, bonebolt was a great counter to all of these anyways, and it provided a strong damage source in poison. Dim shield will naturally centralize the meta game though, increasing the impact of PC manifold. imo it's just unhealthy for the game in its current form.

Fractal: And finally, Fractal; the gem of aether which newbies often gloss over. Fractal has the potential to make Aether a top tier element, providing it with the stall breaking power it desperately lacks. The new Rush/Break mono of Reclusetal would be hard to stop without AoE or a Wings counter. It ould also open up all the awesome fractal decks such as Fractix, Gravytal, Ghostal, RoL/Hope, Damseltal etc. It could even assist Aether's current strongest decks, Bonebolt and Grabbow, to make them even more resilient vs. Stall. However, alone Fractal wouldn't break the element, as it's strongest strength, Mono-Aether, wouldn't be as versatile without Psions and Dimensional Shields. So I'd ask for Fractal to be added, simply to improve aether and make it much more interesting.

If he asked for two, then I'd first and foremost add Fractal, and then see which card combines best with it (Mainly because Dim + Psion would be boring). Dims could make fractal decks much more stronger, as 6 dims and 3-4 fractal duos would have serious capabilities. Psion + Fractal would add a lot of versatility to the element, but it would still have the weakness to a full damage rush. imo making Aether stronger but with weaknesses is the best route, so I'd opt for adding Psion + Fractal.

Spoiler for Frozengaia:
To both:
Besides aether's high cost, what is aether's weakness?

Also do you like SoW Reflect


Yeah, Aether's high cost is its main weakness; denial is the most effective strategy vs Aether.

Aside from that, versatile decks are key. Consider Gravytal; it can fractal guards to beat opponent's dims and plow through their slow offense, and can fractal guards if opponent uses lightning to outrush. Stuff like this is key to defeat Aether's versatility. All around outrushing is also a good strat. Nightmare and Sundial can also be pretty effective vs Aether.

Also, I do like SoW Reflect; it's a nice deck. But it's problem is that every creature will hit at least once, so alongside the SoW Reflect Engine you need healing to survive. Makes it pretty inefficient.

Spoiler for willng3:
What element do you hate the most and why?
While I have the required respect for all elements, the one I hate the most would have to be Entropy. It's because of one cards really, Discord, which is a bit too RNG dependent in my opinion. Even if you build counters to discord, Discord still has a good chance of trolling you. The only way to prevent discord trolling, tbh is using an immorush or grabbow. Sancstalls are genrally 50-50 vs Disco, unless you streamline it with a lot of quanta. It also only pull its weight if drawn early, so I feel it's trolling its users as well. The rest of entropy seems to support this theme of mayhem, which goes against the consistency I search for. EtG could do with a bit less crazy RNG.

Spoiler for Higurashi#2:
What does your element represent and mean to you outside of the gameplay? What has it done for you, and what would you do for it as a Master?

To me, Aether is all about surpassing the limits provided by the game (Fractal's card advantage, Dim's impenetrable defense, immortality), innovation (Spell Damage, Mindgate) and having the best coloring of them all :P. As I've said before, Aether represents the realm of imagination. Now the element of Aether in the game hasn't done much for me, yet. But in my troubled childhood, my only solace was in the realm of imagination. It helped me develop a sense of who I want to be, and even though right now I'm afloat on the drifting stream of adolescence ( :/ ), I'm positive my imagination will lead me to a better place.

So if I were to become Master of Aether, I would try my best to maintain it as the king of elements. Aether's OP cards are actually a great asset for beginners in farming, and I'd try to help beginners better with their aether-focused grinding decks. I would also like to develop a few articles about the ins and outs of Aether, and as master I'd post them in Aether's card section.

Spoiler for trashduke:
If you win Trials, will you lead your team into the upcoming war?

If not, please explain why.

If so, please describe your leadership style and how you will organize and motivate your team members.

Yes, yes I will. My style would be to bring out the best in my teammates. My auction plan would involve selecting soldiers who have quite a bit of experience in war, especially with Aether. My only demand from my soldiers is activity. War is a team event, and I'd try my best to make my team interact and co-operate to develop the best lineup for each round. I'll try to motivate them by being extremely active myself, ready to help out anyone who shows up in team pad.

Spoiler for dragonsdemesne:
If your element has never won a war, why do you think that is?  (underpowered elements, bad generals/team, bad rng, etc)

If your element has won a war, what makes you think YOU can do it again?

Aether has won three wars, and one of the main factors behind that was deuce's OPness.

I think I can do it again is simply because I've learned a lot from deuce and Root. While I have only one war under my belt, I learned during that war how a team wins. I know how to organize the vault and your players, how to test your heart out in order to achieve victory. I don't expect to be flawless, but Aether is an extremely strong element and I believe that with some good support and a bit of luck winning war with :aether shouldn't be too hard.

Spoiler for dawn to dusk:
brawl, where do you stand on it and do you think you will be able to be a brawl boss?
While I do love the concept of Brawl, I've kinda started to dislike its implementation. The Brawl system leads to a lot of inactivity, and a couple of teams have to bear the brunt of it. These teams have to do a LOT of work to cover up, and are still disadvantaged due to a lack of team voters. This in turn discourages the team as they go ever lower in points. I probably won't be too enthused about Brawl unless this changes.

The start of Brawl should also coincide with major exams for me, so I probably won't have internet access anyways. But if I am available, I'll check it out and see if I still want to participate. If I'm a master and am participating, I will do it as a Boss.

Spoiler for Corri:
To all: What are the most important criteria for you to bid on a soldier? How would your dream team look like? (max. 5 player and ALL player are allowed)
What kind of rule could make aether weaker? (sry for this stupid question  :P)

My criteria are activity and experience, especially regarding Aether. As Auction returns this time, I hope to fine-tune team balance.

My dream team is:


All 5 have guaranteed activity, and are strong PvPers. deuce and Higs have more experience in Aether than I do, Avenger is an excellent tester, Root is OP and Ginyu has a lot of potential and skill.

Banning Fractal and Dim Shield outright takes out Aether's strength quite effectively.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2015, 01:00:30 am by Zawadx »
When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

Offline deuce22

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Re: 9th Trials - Phase 3: Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=58605.msg1192395#msg1192395
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2015, 03:33:42 pm »
If you are going to vote for who would be the "best Master of Aether" or "THE representative of Aether", then vote for me.

If you don't like me or don't want to see me win another war, then vote for Zawadx.

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  • Æther in Æternum enim Æquilibrio
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Re: 9th Trials - Phase 3: Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=58605.msg1192420#msg1192420
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2015, 05:25:33 pm »
That naturally begs the question: will you actually be General for the next War?
:aether  http://elementscommunity.org/forum/guilds/991-thunderbolts-ho!-991/ :aether
Aether is the prime Element present in all things, providing space, connection and balance for all Elements to exist.
Aether represents the sense of joy and union, and the ultimate potential of all things.

Offline deuce22

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Re: 9th Trials - Phase 3: Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=58605.msg1192422#msg1192422
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2015, 05:30:27 pm »
That naturally begs the question: will you actually be General for the next War?

yes. although, i think this was implied in my original post ;)

Offline Higurashi

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  • Æther in Æternum enim Æquilibrio
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Re: 9th Trials - Phase 3: Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=58605.msg1192423#msg1192423
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2015, 05:38:26 pm »
Implied, not confirmed.
:aether  http://elementscommunity.org/forum/guilds/991-thunderbolts-ho!-991/ :aether
Aether is the prime Element present in all things, providing space, connection and balance for all Elements to exist.
Aether represents the sense of joy and union, and the ultimate potential of all things.

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Re: 9th Trials - Phase 3: Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=58605.msg1192433#msg1192433
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2015, 06:35:10 pm »
i love you two
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Re: 9th Trials - Phase 3: Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=58605.msg1192542#msg1192542
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2015, 07:32:00 am »
Imagine a world of Elements where Dim Shield, Fractal, and Psion all didn't exist.

Zanz comes to you and proposes these three cards to be added to the game, but says he only plans to implement one of the three.  Which do you choose and why?

Same question, but this time Zanz tells you to pick 2 of the 3.

You may assume for the purpose of this question that in this alternate world, Shard of Wisdom is already allowed in most PVP events if it changes your answer at all.
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Re: 9th Trials - Phase 3: Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=58605.msg1192547#msg1192547
« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2015, 08:01:41 am »
To both:
Besides aether's high cost, what is aether's weakness?

Also do you like SoW Reflect

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Re: 9th Trials - Phase 3: Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=58605.msg1192816#msg1192816
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2015, 06:08:59 pm »
Does the vault feel emptier with no immortals or no phase salvagers?
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Offline ZawadxTopic starter

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Re: 9th Trials - Phase 3: Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=58605.msg1192820#msg1192820
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2015, 06:15:32 pm »
Does the vault feel emptier with no immortals or no phase salvagers?

From a strategic standpoint, neither - they're both extremely bad in war metagame.

But balance-wise, I feel that the vault is a bit empty without immortals or any immortal creatures, as has been the trend for aether in recent wars. Immortals are a defining mechanic of aether, and it should be strong enough to compete in war.
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Re: 9th Trials - Phase 3: Community Vote https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=58605.msg1192890#msg1192890
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2015, 07:29:39 am »
Does the vault feel emptier with no immortals or no phase salvagers?

From a strategic standpoint, neither - they're both extremely bad in war metagame.

But balance-wise, I feel that the vault is a bit empty without immortals or any immortal creatures, as has been the trend for aether in recent wars. Immortals are a defining mechanic of aether, and it should be strong enough to compete in war.

With the shard, i expect more immortal meta.

