
Who is most worthy to be the next Master of Aether?

28 (45.2%)
8 (12.9%)
21 (33.9%)
None Worthy
5 (8.1%)

Total Members Voted: 61

Voting closed: August 20, 2014, 03:27:59 pm


Offline Zawadx

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2014, 03:02:48 pm »
People, stop ninja-asking me questions while I'm away /shifty

Hello everybody! I’m Zawadx, and I am one of the challengers for the Mastership of Aether. Ever since I first stumbled upon Elements the Game in the ancient age of Other Shards, I have grown to love Aether. Aether has prominently featured in all my grinders, and I chose Aether (and two of its best compliments) for my very first PvP event Sacrifice. I would love an opportunity to take Aether to the next level, cause that’s what Aether is all about.

herpaderp here's the Phase 1 post

More stuff in the answers below:

Spoiler for vrt:
Dear candies,

How will you cope with Higurashi's wrath if you don't win War?

I’d rather not divulge my plans where Higs’s all-seeing eyes can see them. (They involve hiding in the Master’s Dojo)

Spoiler for ji412jo:
To all aether trialists

Will aether win the next war

If only I were the Oracle…

:aether has perhaps the best chances in war, in a vacuum. However, many things are under consideration. The respective War teams will naturally play the deciding role. So will War rules, which I think will be seeing a lot of changes.
But yeah, given a good team, a great general and some awesome RNG, Aether will win War.

Spoiler for TribalTrouble:
What does this trial mean to you?

To me, this Trial is a proving of worthiness. I want to prove to everyone, and most of all to myself, that I’m not just a somewhat lucky newbie but someone who can actually PvP. So far I haven’t managed too well though :/ But who knows? Pigs might fly.

I also didn’t want to miss out on the chance of experiencing one of the forum’s major events. I had decided long ago that I wanted to become a Trials Overseer, and if I was going to be the lone TrO as was originally planned, I wouldn’t be in Trials for the sake of fairness. But when CCC was elected as well as me, I wasn’t going to miss out on this chance. And this has also allowed me to learn how the Trials are progressing for the Trialists – knowledge which I hope to put to use planning future Trials.

A follow up question now:
After reading all that Higs has asked of you, how does this make you feel?

It makes me feel, well, relieved that I’ve managed to answer them all. They are good questions, especially the first under Experience which all challengers should be aware of. 

Spoiler for Kakerlake:
I'm assuming you trialists think aether is awesome. It is widely known that "awesome" is a synonyme for "bacon".

Can you explain to me why you think aether is like bacon?
Aether is beyond the realm of mortals, and so is Bacon. ‘nuff said.

Spoiler for Higurashi:
Personal perspective and assessment:
What does Aether embody and mean to you?

Of course, Aether embodies all the usual stuff to me as well – immortality, invincibility etc. But all those are old and boring. So I’ll skip all of that.

Aether is what lies beyond the realm of existence. It is the element of imagination. Aether is about ignoring what others term as the Laws of the Universe. Light might be the element of divinity, but Aether is the element of apotheosis. To me aether is transcending into the realm of the eternal and exploring the wildest facets of our imagination.

How do you want the element to develop? Present some card ideas (existing or rough ideas from you) that would add a lot of thematic flavour to it, or new mechanics, new directions, etc.

In my opinion, aether is mechanically complete. However, that doesn’t stop us from exploring new concepts. One thing which crops up in my mind in the concept of spell damage. Perhaps a creature which increases the damage of spells across the board would be nice (inb4 Psiontal becomes even more OP). Also, aether could do with another shield to slightly dilute the power of dims (it prolly won’t have much effect, but still). I made Spelljammer Shield for that
What will you do to gather more fans of Aether?

I’ll perform my best as the face of aether in all aspects. I believe that the list of activities a Master has is too short, and if I were a master I’d perform my best in every one of these activities. I’d also be as active as I am now, helping newbies with whatever expertise I have. I’ve helped out several newbies construct better :aether decks, one of the things which makes me believe I’m worthy of being Master of Aether.

What do you think is an unexploited viable part (I don't want to see any Mindgate cop-outs) of the element in general PvP and specifically in War?

But Mindgate is so awesome T-T. Really, it can be good in aether vs. aether matchups like Trials. It is also a great finisher for fat rainbows.

For War tho, I’ll have to go with Silence. Silence has a really good denial effect, and it can really dominate the game early on. Sadly silence is only average at best – it isn’t that good late game, it’s bad for card advantage and it costs a tad too much in several cases. A viable card option for some decks tho. (decks which I’d rather not disclose)

Is Aether slightly OP in War? Why?

Aether is quite OP in war, at least under current rules. The main reason behind this is that Aether has a tad too many meta-altering cards; Dims, Fractals and Psions are all extremely strong. Especially what might be termed as the ‘Dim Shield Effect’ – when facing aether, you must bring an answer to dims. True, dims have a variety of counters, but without those counters you’re pretty much doomed. Bringing 3 PC cards against a Dim deck often isn’t enough, and so you’re prompted to spend 4 cards of your deck to face dims. 4 cards generally wasted versus a perm-less deck.

Psions and Fractals are also amazing cards in aether’s arsenal, especially when combined to form Psiontal. The power and versatility of Psiontal is unmatched – this mono can be modded to contend against almost all decks in War (and countering it would involve using reflectives, occupying the shield slot). Also, Psiontal is always there for team aether as it is a mono, and so the required cards can be transmuted after a bad round.
Why did you decide to run for the Trials of Aether?

For joining Trials in general, look at my answer to TribalTrouble. For why I joined Aether specifically, look at my introduction please.

Analyze your own abilities with the element. How did you do in Phase 2 and why? What elements gave you trouble and why?

Aether is the element I’m most at home with, and I’d say the element I’d work best with. However, I cannot boast the experience of my fellow Trialists. I’ve recounted my few exploits with aether in my introduction.

My performance in phase 2 left much to be desired. Firstly, against STANDIN I was outmatched. His mindgating was better than mine, though luck didn’t favor me either. Against Drake I was free of the threat of reflectives from the second match (a threat which I happened to take far too seriously) and I pressed my mindgating advantage to the win. Sadly two of my decks there happened to be illegal.

My third match was against DANI, which was definitely a great game. The first game I won with ease, and the second was a close win to her (I believe that some better deckbuilding on my part would’ve won me the game here :c). The third game resulted in Fractix imploding on my face, while she successfully mindgated and brought a really good deck. Then we paused for a while, and I spent a good day thinking and rethinking my strategy. My choice of Reclusetal Bonebolt was good, and I held on. For the very final deck, I expected Devtal or Grabbow from her. I had prepared two decks: an air duo with TStorm and a Dim-Fractal deck – each respective counters. However, my foolish fear of reflectives prevailed in the end, leading to a loss. I learned here that sometimes caution had to be set aside, and to always work for a surer win than a more secure one.

My final match vs. Meg was one where I really messed up. I sent in bans on a whim, and soon enough the bans turned against me. The fractal ban hurt me really bad as well. My first match went well enough, but my speedbuilt PU-Gons didn’t fare so well. For the third game I almost used an illegal deck, and in my stubbornness opted to use a bad one instead. The fourth game was one which I almost won, but some minute deckbuilding decisions cost me.

So earth gave me some trouble, thanks to Stone Skin being a really good stall card for them. There were instances where I used decks which were designed for in-element matches against off-elements, which wasn’t a good move. I also learned how minute decisions can swing the whole game in a way I hadn’t believed possible in EtG

What are the key cards of the element in competitive PvP?

Dims and Fractal. Lightnings and Psions help as well.

Dims – I intentionally refer to the plural, as you almost always want to bring the maximum amount – can be really meta-altering as described in a previous answer to you (see “Is Aether slightly OP in War? Why?”). Fractal is a card which opens up its own archetype, and a really powerful one at that. The raw card advantage provided by Fractal is unmatched. The decks allowed by Fractal are no doubt amongst Aether’s strongest, and Fractal’s versatility makes Aether a tough contender. Add in the best basic CC in the game and shield by-pass to get an element which truly is OP.
How would you adapt to a diminishing vault in War? What cards, duos and deck types would you keep?

I think I will keep a standing vault in hand of Fractals, Dims and Lightnings, since these are our best support cards. The Grabbow will also be kept, as it provides unmatched versatility at the end of War and is strong against many decks. Some the clunky dominating decks such as Devtal or RoL/Hope will probably be transmuted first, as their uses diminish in the usual War late-game. Sancstall will be good to keep here, as will the monos just in case.

Of course, the actual decision will depend hugely on the situation at hand, on  the results of previous rounds and on the opponents and the meta. The above accounts for a vacuum.

Spoiler for dragonsdemesne:
Given Aether's three consecutive win history, how do you feel about being general in a situation where anything less than a fourth win is probably going to be seen as a failure?  (especially for non-deuce applicants, but he can reply as well)

To me it’s just an added challenge, albeit a really difficult one. It is harder to maintain something than to attain it, as I’ve learned from personal experience. But if I don’t end up winning, I’m not going to see it as a failure as long as I had fun and learned something from the experience. If others see it a fail, aether and I are above such views.

Spoiler for Laxadarap:
Obvious question is, are you guys up to the challenge?  To all contestants (deuce I would prefer you to answer this last, comparing your answer to there's).  What element do you think would do the best vs. aether (who is the strongest challenger.)

@Tripledos: I like you as a general, person, and I respect you as a pvp'er, but if you aren't going to general, why the hell should I vote for you? (War is pretty much a masters only duty at the moment).

Yes, yes I am. To be honest Deuce is a much better: aether elementalist than me, and it’s nigh-impossible to topple him. Which just makes me want to give it my best shot. You could say I’m not good enough to beat deuce, but that’s what Trials is for. Two people will enter that final battle, and whoever comes out will definitely be worthy to be Master.

Against :aether several elements have good chances. Gravity and Entropy some to mind, as they’ve been a real pain for aether the last wars. Air with its Blue Nymphs are also really strong. So in a war environment, I’ll go with Air.

Spoiler for Hainkarga:
Convince me into not voting for deuce.

Tip: I love and hate deuce. I'd hug him (no-homo) and headbutt his nose simultaneously and then regret both of my actions.
Well, the thing about deuce is that his Mastership will be an empty title. He's WM now, and so he won't be leading Aether into war. He's also never really showed interest in Brawl, which is the one other prominent responsibility of a Master. Nor is he active enough to be the face of Aether properly. So handing Mastership to him is simply giving him a well earned title, but it will serve little other purpose. So you shouldn't vote for deuce to get responsibilities which he'll simply pass on like a hot potato, but rather vote on a more active candidate.

Spoiler for Frozengaia:
Dear all aether triallists:

Aether is an element I love for a really sadistic reason.
I love using it in conjunction with a reflective shield. Shard of Wisdom is my favourite shard, and for good reason. It's so fun to make the opponent kill themselves.

Aether has a ton of "evil" cards that make people unhappy: Silence, Dims, Mindgate, SoW immortal rush or SoW reflect.
So what is the "nicest" aether card? The most beautiful art, or harmless, or "not a nightmare to play against. ¬_¬"?

Mindgate isn't evil silly. Yes, it has some serious power in the proper deck, but it's too expensive for that. Mindgate does allow you to see your opponent's draws before they do, and also to get their cards before them. Nothing OP though.

For the beautiful art, Fractal/Mindgate/Psion come into mind, but I'll have to go with Phase Salvager. I love its quirky art, and its 0 HP is a giant strike against its viability. Salvager needs a two card combo to be playable, and only SoP is a good combo (others use 2 cards for lacklustre stats compared to the duo quanta). SoP Salvager might be fun, but not evil :P

Spoiler for Submachine:
Question to Zawadx:

Imagine that you are playing in War and winning 3-0 against a player from a team that hasn't done well so far. Apart from posting your decks and telling briefly what happened in the duels, what else would you write in your first post? If nothing, give a reason why.

Note: usually, my duel descriptions aren't so brief :P But aside from that, I would surely wish them good luck for later matches. I know how depressing it can be, losing match after match, and so I'd hope that they get slightly better results. Just as long as they don't become threats :P

btw, quoting your post I noticed how you put color tags around each paragraph. It'd actually be easier if you kept on of those tags open throughout the post e.g. don't put [*/color] after the first lightgreen tag, but instead just close it at the end. Much easier ^^

Spoiler for farscape:
Question to all candidates (challengers and old master too):

If I apply to participate in War, would you bid on me, and max how many cards ?  :-*

Hmmm... well I've seen you around you've proved to be quite good at deckbuilding, so I'd keep you in mind. Sadly, your lack of War experience costs you here, so I think I'd see if I could get you for a low bid. I think you'd be good but cheap pick ;)
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 05:04:39 pm by Zawadx »
When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2014, 01:25:45 am »
Convince me into not voting for deuce.

Tip: I love and hate deuce. I'd hug him (no-homo) and headbutt his nose simultaneously and then regret both of my actions.
Meritocratic Technocracy

Offline Zawadx

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2014, 01:05:00 pm »
All questions so far answered. I apologize for the delay; I had a few pressing matters to attend to upon my return. I'm still a bit swamped with schoolwork, but I'll answer your questions as soon as I can.

Now for my questions:

To deuce - Like I said in my reply to Hain, if you become Master next term it'll be an empty title. If you agree, please tell me why someone should vote for rather than someone willing to do the responsibilities. Otherwise, prove me wrong.

To DANI - I haven't seen you be really active in the activities of the general community. How will you decide if someone is active or trustworthy enough when it comes to War? Do you think English being your secondary language will deter from your abilities to communicate with the team?
When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2014, 01:40:27 pm »
updated my responses as well. And I will not be responding to further variations of "why should i vote for you since you wont be general"

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2014, 05:33:48 pm »
Dear all aether triallists:

Aether is an element I love for a really sadistic reason.
I love using it in conjunction with a reflective shield. Shard of Wisdom is my favourite shard, and for good reason. It's so fun to make the opponent kill themselves.

Aether has a ton of "evil" cards that make people unhappy: Silence, Dims, Mindgate, SoW immortal rush or SoW reflect.
So what is the "nicest" aether card? The most beautiful art, or harmless, or "not a nightmare to play against. ¬_¬"?

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2014, 07:39:15 pm »
I voted for STANDIN, sorry. I agree with Zawadx about Deuce, but i also don't see the two new contestants as serious.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2014, 07:40:55 pm by Avenger »

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2014, 09:09:46 pm »
This is a tough one for me. Zawad reminds me of myself when it comes to his answers to my questions, and I thought I deserved a shot back when I first entered Trials.

The issues I have are time and commitment. I had been cultivating my skills with and connection to Aether for quite a while before I entered Trials, and it showed. I went undefeated in phase 2 with two being crushing victories, and when I became Master I was able to introduce a new philosophy as part of the element and I was able to find and lead new and skilled fans of the element.

While I support the newbie, there's a limit to how much newbie you can be. Still I remain undecided as your view of and vision for the element is at least 50% of being a Master to me, and I quite like Zawad's views.
:aether  http://elementscommunity.org/forum/guilds/991-thunderbolts-ho!-991/ :aether
Aether is the prime Element present in all things, providing space, connection and balance for all Elements to exist.
Aether represents the sense of joy and union, and the ultimate potential of all things.

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2014, 10:25:18 pm »
Question to deuce. Who will you vote for in this aether trials?
If you vote for yourself I wonder if there is anyone on forum that you could consider voting for in aether trials over yourself today?
Purple Hillbilly reporting, ready for teamwork and shiny times. 

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2014, 01:06:19 am »
Now these will be one of my harder questions:

Question to deuce22:

What do you think is the best build of an unupgraded and shardless :light :aether duo deck?
In War Auction, have you ever thought about seriously bidding on people who doesn't have any war experience? If yes, how often did you do that, if no, why?

Question to Zawadx:

Imagine that you are playing in War and winning 3-0 against a player from a team that hasn't done well so far. Apart from posting your decks and telling briefly what happened in the duels, what else would you write in your first post? If nothing, give a reason why.

Question to DANIEELA:

First, I'd like you to tell the audience whether you're a boy or a girl. Be honest, as it doesn't matter which one you are if the people on your team are believing in you. 2nd question: Imagine that you are the Master of Aether and the War Auction already started. A new player that you have never heard about and who only has 12 posts on the forum sends you the following PM:
"Hi. :) I am new to forum, but i really want joining to war because it seems fun. Can I be on your team? I really like aether shield it blocks theother and they can't do anything, i already use that in pvp and winning most of the time"
What would you reply?
And we keep driving into the night
It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye...

~ Platinum Quest ~

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2014, 01:41:00 pm »
Question to all candidates (challengers and old master too):

If I apply to participate in War, would you bid on me, and max how many cards ?  :-*

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #22 on: August 19, 2014, 11:58:19 pm »
I’d rather not divulge my plans where Higs’s all-seeing eyes can see them. (They involve hiding in the Master’s Dojo)


:o  There is no such place.  *waves hand
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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #23 on: August 20, 2014, 12:31:47 am »
I’d rather not divulge my plans where Higs’s all-seeing eyes can see them. (They involve hiding in the Master’s Dojo)


:o  There is no such place.  *waves hand

I second this, what the hell is a master's dojo?
My signature is too messy to read >.<

