
Who is most worthy to be the next Master of Aether?

28 (45.2%)
8 (12.9%)
21 (33.9%)
None Worthy
5 (8.1%)

Total Members Voted: 61

Voting closed: August 20, 2014, 03:27:59 pm


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8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« on: August 15, 2014, 08:37:01 am »
Phase 3 - Community Vote

It's time to vote for your favorite Master candidate!  Every community member has one vote. You can change your vote at any time as long as there is still time on the clock.

Vote based on who you think would make the best Master of that element. Do not vote based on who is the best player or who you know personally. Try to pick someone who you think would help the community the most as THE representative for their element.  If you do not have any preference for who should be Master, or cannot decide between the candidates, please select the "None Worthy" option. 

To help you make the best decision possible, feel free to ask the candidates questions.  Both challengers and defending Masters ought to answer the questions in this thread to help the voters make the best possible choice.  Please put all your answers in a single post (employing spoiler tags is recommended).  Also, challengers should include in that post a link to your Phase 1 submission post.

Questions and answers may begin now that this topic is posted.
Voting will begin when the polls are up at the official start of Phase 3.
Phase 3 ends when poll expires.
Deckbuilding mad scientist.  Come by and hang out in my stream!

Offline vrt

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2014, 08:55:11 am »
Dear candies,

How will you cope with Higurashi's wrath if you don't win War?
So long and thanks for all the fish!

Offline deuce22

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2014, 01:26:45 pm »
No introduction needed here. Obviously won't be aether general again since I will be a WM. Will do my best to answer questions as I have time.

Spoiler for vrt:
Dear candies,

How will you cope with Higurashi's wrath if you don't win War?
Question doesn't really apply to me for 2 reasons:
1. I will be WM this war
2. I've never lost a war as aether general.

Spoiler for serprex:
Since you're not going to be General & you already have way too many points, is it fair to vote more points towards you?
Regardless, who do you intend to designate General if you secure Master of Aether a 4th time?
Yes, it is fair to vote more points for me.

If I am lucky enough to win trials again, I currently do not know who I would select as general. But the current aether challengers will be considered if they are interested in generaling.

Spoiler for ji412jo:
To all aether trialists

Will aether win the next war
Statistically speaking, no. But lots of variables affect that response (war rules, team members, etc.)

Spoiler for TribalTrouble:
What does this trial mean to you?

Spoiler for kakerlake:
I'm assuming you trialists think aether is awesome. It is widely known that "awesome" is a synonyme for "bacon".

Can you explain to me why you think aether is like bacon?
because bacon is awesome

Spoiler for Higurashi:
Personal perspective and assessment:
What does Aether embody and mean to you?

How do you want the element to develop? Present some card ideas (existing or rough ideas from you) that would add a lot of thematic flavour to it, or new mechanics, new directions, etc.

What will you do to gather more fans of Aether?

What do you think is an unexploited viable part (I don't want to see any Mindgate cop-outs) of the element in general PvP and specifically in War?

Is Aether slightly OP in War? Why?

Why did you decide to run for the Trials of Aether?

Analyze your own abilities with the element. How did you do in Phase 2 and why? What elements gave you trouble and why?

What are the key cards of the element in competitive PvP?

How would you adapt to a diminishing vault in War? What cards, duos and deck types would you keep?

Needless to say, I'll be voting after how much effort you put into these vital questions. That said, walls of text aren't necessary. Brevity can convey the essence of your mind and character even better.
1. to me, aether is winning
2. aether is fairly well-rounded as is. Fractal is arguably the strongest card in the game. Dims probably strongest shield in the game. Lightning is one of the best CC (in unupped environment) in the game. Psions and silence are sources of soft PC. Only things aether doesn't have (but doesn't necessarily need) are hard PC and mass CC. Nothing I would change about aether at the moment.
3. I won 3 wars with aether...not being General of aether will likely make more fans of the element.
4. Silence is slowly being used more in PVP, but probably the most under-utilized card of aether's
5. No, I don't think aether is slightly OP. Is it stronger than certain other elements? yes, but that doesnt make it overpowered. Aether does not have an advantage over every element, and every element is capable of beating aether.
6. Ran for trials because I feel all masters should defend if possible
7. Finished 2nd in Masters tourney, not bad. Probably could have had a better performance if i had time to prep like the old days, made a few mistakes in deck builds and choices at times. Other than RNG, air gave me the most trouble because upped air is very strong vs aether.
8. Fractal is the most important card in PVP, all of aether's best decks have it. Everyone complains about dims, but fractal is the real OP card if aether had any. You can make an argument for psions as well, but psions would not be strong without fractal ;)
9. Not a hell of a lot for me to say here. But honestly, it depends on what opponents are left. There is probably only 1 deck that you need to keep regardless of opponent, which is grabbow. You can make an argument for psiontal, but if you can't field a monoaether, you're probably dead anyways.

Spoiler for TribalTrouble again:
A follow up question now:
After reading all that Higs has asked of you, how does this make you feel?

Spoiler for dragonsdemesne:
Given Aether's three consecutive win history, how do you feel about being general in a situation where anything less than a fourth win is probably going to be seen as a failure?  (especially for non-deuce applicants, but he can reply as well)
Lot of luck and RNG in war. Losing war is not a failure.

Spoiler for Laxadarap:
Obvious question is, are you guys up to the challenge?  To all contestants (deuce I would prefer you to answer this last, comparing your answer to there's).  What element do you think would do the best vs. aether (who is the strongest challenger.)

@Tripledos: I like you as a general, person, and I respect you as a pvp'er, but if you aren't going to general, why the hell should I vote for you? (War is pretty much a masters only duty at the moment).
1. It's close between air and gravity, but I would likely give a slight edge to gravity
2. Since you are voting based on war participation, you can vote for dani or zawadx if you want them as aether general, or you can vote for me in hopes that i may select someone else if i win. Up to you.

Spoiler for hainkarga:
Convince me into not voting for deuce.

Tip: I love and hate deuce. I'd hug him (no-homo) and headbutt his nose simultaneously and then regret both of my actions.
deuce doesn't want your vote

Spoiler for zawadx:
To deuce - Like I said in my reply to Hain, if you become Master next term it'll be an empty title. If you agree, please tell me why someone should vote for you rather than someone willing to do the responsibilities. Otherwise, prove me wrong.
As some would argue, mastership is more than just being general in war. If you are one of those, then I am the most logical vote for aether since the other challengers have no history with aether. If you are voting for who you want to be aether general, then vote for me if you think the other challengers would fail at generaling.

Update: since everyone keeps asking why they should vote for me, here's one more reason. If I win the majority of votes, I will do my best as WM to get nymph/mark codes as part of the prize for winning war

Spoiler for Frozengaia:
Dear all aether triallists:

Aether is an element I love for a really sadistic reason.
I love using it in conjunction with a reflective shield. Shard of Wisdom is my favourite shard, and for good reason. It's so fun to make the opponent kill themselves.

Aether has a ton of "evil" cards that make people unhappy: Silence, Dims, Mindgate, SoW immortal rush or SoW reflect.
So what is the "nicest" aether card? The most beautiful art, or harmless, or "not a nightmare to play against. ¬_¬"?
Easy, phase salvager. Looks like wall-E and it is useless in pvp

Spoiler for Blacksmith:
Question to deuce. Who will you vote for in this aether trials?
If you vote for yourself I wonder if there is anyone on forum that you could consider voting for in aether trials over yourself today?
If I am running for aether trials, there is no one in the community I would vote over myself.

Spoiler for Submachine:
Question to deuce22:

What do you think is the best build of an unupgraded and shardless :light :aether duo deck?
In War Auction, have you ever thought about seriously bidding on people who doesn't have any war experience? If yes, how often did you do that, if no, why?

I dont think there is really a "best" aether/light duo as it depends on the situation. Neither element is particularly stellar at rushing unupped, so I would probably go with a stall. Zaps kill most unupped creatures, dims troll, sancs and miracles heal, and nice to have something else to fractal in case you need another win condition (dragon, psion, nymph). Lots of variations here. Would probably work better with quanta flipped, but this is aether trials, so I will make the deck aether-based.
Spoiler for basic aether sanc stall:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5la 5li 5li 5lm 5lm 5lm 5lm 5lm 5lm 5ls 61q 61q 61q 61q 61q 61q 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 61t 622 622 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 8pq

Regarding bidding on newbs in auction, I don't recall bidding on very many, except as possible trollbids. My philosophy during the auction was to obtain a strong team first, and then worry about vault later. While there are many newbs that turn out to be better than maxbid vets during war, there are just as many if not more that flake out and die during war. I like to minimize uncertainty as much as possible, whether it is in the auction or in deckbuilding.

Spoiler for farscape:
Question to all candidates (challengers and old master too):

If I apply to participate in War, would you bid on me, and max how many cards ?  :-*
Bidding on you depends on a lot of variables:
1. what your application looks like
2. your pvp experience
3. your activity level
4. how aggressive you are in trying to get me to bid on you
5. war auction rules
6. how many participants
7. the quality of participants

With that being said, could be anywhere from no bid at all to a maximum bid
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 06:41:07 pm by deuce22 »


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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2014, 03:07:53 pm »
for vrt
Spoiler for Hidden:
Dear candies,

How will you cope with Higurashi's wrath if you don't win War?
Havent understand question very well,but i will try to answer it.

Knowing Higurashi,i dont expect ,,wrath,, , because this is only the game.
Maybe Higurashi will be in team  :aether too,who knows...
Also I will do my best to win the War,together with Team.
Yeah,winning the War is important,but also having fun is important too. :-*

for ji412jo
Spoiler for Hidden:
To all aether trialists

Will aether win the next war

Its difficult to predict it.
There are many things that should be done right before battles and victory.
Such as:
-Choosing right person for General
-Forming good team
-Balancing between high bids and big vault
-Predicting opponents strategy..............,etc...

But i presume that there might be big chance,especially with history of previous War victories. :-*

for TribalTrouble
Spoiler for Hidden:
What does this trial mean to you?
For me it means mostly having fun and trying something new.
Also gaining experience from this Trial for future ones. :-*

for Kakerlake
Spoiler for Hidden:
I'm assuming you trialists think aether is awesome. It is widely known that "awesome" is a synonyme for "bacon".

Can you explain to me why you think aether is like bacon?
Aether is awesome,because its OP Element.
Bacon  is awesome,because its OP food.
So-play Aether,and eat bacon=be awesome!
Spoiler for Hidden:

for Higurashi
Spoiler for Hidden:
Personal perspective and assessment:
What does Aether embody and mean to you?
Powerfull,respectitive and element that fears most of the players.(including me)

How do you want the element to develop? Present some card ideas (existing or rough ideas from you) that would add a lot of thematic flavour to it, or new mechanics, new directions, etc.
Maybe it will be good to have some quanta producing creature,since Aether is slow element in average (comparing to majority of other elements)

What will you do to gather more fans of Aether?
I suppose that you reffering to new players......
It will be cool to (beside exsisting Mentor Program) make separate Programs for each element.
So,there Masters together with choosen Veterans could help them with specific element.
I will help them with things such as Strategys,Deckbuilding(Aether monos,duos trios,quartets),Arena Decks/Vs Arena Decks, mini Tournaments (with coin rewards that i have and dont need them),etc..

What do you think is an unexploited viable part (I don't want to see any Mindgate cop-outs) of the element in general PvP and specifically in War?
After 7 Wars,there might be unexploited Phase Salvager tactic,that i dont want to reveal in public.Might be seen in next War...

Is Aether slightly OP in War? Why?
Its a bit OP.
Speaking as player,not as Trialist...
Maybe Dimensional Shield is most important (expencive-but pays off for sure),forcing other teams to play PC-rushes or stalls.

Why did you decide to run for the Trials of Aether?
Because Aether is slightly OP in War.

Analyze your own abilities with the element. How did you do in Phase 2 and why? What elements gave you trouble and why?
Im satisfyed with my score in Phase 2,since its my first Trial.
Btw,i misunderstod the 25% rule.Tought it must be from single Element.That cost me Match vs Standin.

What are the key cards of the element in competitive PvP?
Dimensional Shield for sure.

How would you adapt to a diminishing vault in War? What cards, duos and deck types would you keep?
Stalls will go out first.I will keep rushes,idk...
It depends on such manny factors...
Will i know opponent,or not...?
Will i have team allready formed...?
Diminishing to what number...?
Its hard to generalize answer without exact situation.

Needless to say, I'll be voting after how much effort you put into these vital questions. That said, walls of text aren't necessary. Brevity can convey the essence of your mind and character even better.

for dragonsdemesne
Spoiler for Hidden:
Given Aether's three consecutive win history, how do you feel about being general in a situation where anything less than a fourth win is probably going to be seen as a failure?  (especially for non-deuce applicants, but he can reply as well)

I dont think that anything less than a win is failure...........
Cant say that all other 11 Elements have failed each War.
Untill you have good time and fun,its not failure. :-*

for Laxadarap
Spoiler for Hidden:
Obvious question is, are you guys up to the challenge?  To all contestants (deuce I would prefer you to answer this last, comparing your answer to there's).  What element do you think would do the best vs. aether (who is the strongest challenger.)
Stronges might be Air,especialy if General will be one person (wich i know and dont want to mention before voting ends).
He is allways full of awesome ideas and strategies (and his team would go much further in last war if there werent penalties). :-*

for Hainkarga
Spoiler for Hidden:
Convince me into not voting for deuce.

Tip: I love and hate deuce. I'd hug him (no-homo) and headbutt his nose simultaneously and then regret both of my actions.
Let me see......
-You hug him
-You headbut his nose simultaneously
-You regret it
-You are not homo...
Spoiler for Hidden:
You hug him like this...?!
Spoiler for Hidden:

for Zawadx
Spoiler for Hidden:
To DANI - I haven't seen you be really active in the activities of the general community. How will you decide if someone is active or trustworthy enough when it comes to War? Do you think English being your secondary language will deter from your abilities to communicate with the team?
Activities of the general comunity?
If you want to say Elements comunity,then i cant agree with you that im inactive.

Yeah,speaking English not as secondary,but tercially language isnt easy.
But since now i havent got any misunderstanding with other Forum members.

for Frozengaia
Spoiler for Hidden:
Dear all aether triallists:

Aether is an element I love for a really sadistic reason.
I love using it in conjunction with a reflective shield. Shard of Wisdom is my favourite shard, and for good reason. It's so fun to make the opponent kill themselves.

Aether has a ton of "evil" cards that make people unhappy: Silence, Dims, Mindgate, SoW immortal rush or SoW reflect.
So what is the "nicest" aether card? The most beautiful art, or harmless, or "not a nightmare to play against. ¬_¬"?

Definitelly Phase Salvager.Costs 1 :aether,has 0hp.Rarely played.

for Submachine
Spoiler for Hidden:
Now these will be one of my harder questions:

Question to DANIEELA:

First, I'd like you to tell the audience whether you're a boy or a girl. Be honest, as it doesn't matter which one you are if the people on your team are believing in you. 2nd question: Imagine that you are the Master of Aether and the War Auction already started. A new player that you have never heard about and who only has 12 posts on the forum sends you the following PM:
"Hi. :) I am new to forum, but i really want joining to war because it seems fun. Can I be on your team? I really like aether shield it blocks theother and they can't do anything, i already use that in pvp and winning most of the time"
What would you reply?

1st answer:
To audience-not boy or girl,im women.And i havent got any problems with my team mates abouth my gender untill now.

2-nd answer:
Im glad that you are full of enthusiasm,and like Aether.But War is not only fun.It might be sayed that is complicated.
I cant promise you to be or not to be in my team.
Grind coins as much as you can,it increases chances to be picked.
Dimensional Shield isnt so great in War as in PVP.Because other teams mostly build counter decks to Dim.Sh. decks,if they play vs Aether team.
Its good that you win with it in PVP.
So i will do my best to take you in team,but it depends on situation.
Also consider joining other PVP events (i suggest Tournaments and Leagues for beggining).Gaining experience vs other competitive players is usefull.
You can learn from losing match equal as from winning.
Thats all for now.Grind. :-*

for farscape
Spoiler for Hidden:
Question to all candidates (challengers and old master too):

If I apply to participate in War, would you bid on me, and max how many cards ?  :-*

I cant answer it exact.
Saying to you that i would pick you for sure and give max bid,is lie.You would know it for sure.
So i will give you true answer.
You havent applyed for previous War (idk why,since you were on Forum allready), so i cant see your stats.
But as seen on previous War everybody has chance to be picked.
Also many players have got maximum bid,unexpected (including me).
So,i have lack of informations to answer you properly.Sorry.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 03:16:58 pm by DANIEELA »
WAR:earth#7:time#8,#9,#10:death gen#11:fire#12
Tourneys 12X13,25I14,10I,20VI15,15VI,23VII16,10VI17,8XII18
Well,I'd like to help,but not as much as I'd like not to.

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2014, 03:15:34 pm »
Since you're not going to be General & you already have way too many points, is it fair to vote more points towards you?
Regardless, who do you intend to designate General if you secure Master of Aether a 4th time?

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2014, 03:42:27 pm »
To all aether trialists

Will aether win the next war
follow me at twitch.tv/mynameisjoey

Offline TribalTrouble

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2014, 03:56:43 pm »
What does this trial mean to you?

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2014, 05:25:02 pm »
I'm assuming you trialists think aether is awesome. It is widely known that "awesome" is a synonyme for "bacon".

Can you explain to me why you think aether is like bacon?

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2014, 08:18:47 pm »
Personal perspective and assessment:
What does Aether embody and mean to you?

How do you want the element to develop? Present some card ideas (existing or rough ideas from you) that would add a lot of thematic flavour to it, or new mechanics, new directions, etc.

What will you do to gather more fans of Aether?

What do you think is an unexploited viable part (I don't want to see any Mindgate cop-outs) of the element in general PvP and specifically in War?

Is Aether slightly OP in War? Why?

Why did you decide to run for the Trials of Aether?

Analyze your own abilities with the element. How did you do in Phase 2 and why? What elements gave you trouble and why?

What are the key cards of the element in competitive PvP?

How would you adapt to a diminishing vault in War? What cards, duos and deck types would you keep?

Needless to say, I'll be voting after how much effort you put into these vital questions. That said, walls of text aren't necessary. Brevity can convey the essence of your mind and character even better.
:aether  http://elementscommunity.org/forum/guilds/991-thunderbolts-ho!-991/ :aether
Aether is the prime Element present in all things, providing space, connection and balance for all Elements to exist.
Aether represents the sense of joy and union, and the ultimate potential of all things.

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2014, 08:22:14 pm »
A follow up question now:
After reading all that Higs has asked of you, how does this make you feel?

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2014, 11:01:14 pm »
Given Aether's three consecutive win history, how do you feel about being general in a situation where anything less than a fourth win is probably going to be seen as a failure?  (especially for non-deuce applicants, but he can reply as well)

Offline Laxadarap

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Re: 8th Trials - Phase 3 Community Vote [Aether] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2014, 11:06:28 pm »
Obvious question is, are you guys up to the challenge?  To all contestants (deuce I would prefer you to answer this last, comparing your answer to there's).  What element do you think would do the best vs. aether (who is the strongest challenger.)

@Tripledos: I like you as a general, person, and I respect you as a pvp'er, but if you aren't going to general, why the hell should I vote for you? (War is pretty much a masters only duty at the moment).
My signature is too messy to read >.<

