What is your definition of Leadership
Staying calm, motivating your team, keeping it fun for everyone and making sure you always give your best so that your team look at you and do the same.
For everyone that Trials for their favourite element:- If you end up not becoming a Master for your favourite element, will you consider an approach from WMs to General your second-fave/third-fave/what-have-you element? (Quite unlikely, but hey
For the sake of argument, assume that you are not a WM yourself, just in case you're thinking 'I'm a WM, there's no way the WMs will approach me to Gen'.
For everyone that Trials not for their favourite element:- If you end up not becoming a Master for the element you're Trialling in, will you consider an approach from WMs to General your favourite element? (Quite unlikely, but hey
For the sake of argument, assume that you are not a WM yourself, just in case you're thinking 'I'm a WM, there's no way the WMs will approach me to Gen'.
Look at my answer to Vindilos. I don't really have favorites. If I don't get MoA then it's very unlikely that i'll general another element if asked.
Will you participate in the next Brawl under the flag of your trialing element?
Depends when the brawl is and when my uni exams are. If they clash heavily, then no. If there's no clash, sure.
1. Which element do you consider the anti-you? Which ones rubs you the wrong way or resonates least with you personally? Please help us understand why this is the case.
2. Name two previous/current masters (you can include yourself if you wish) who you respect and have been excellent trialists, generals, and representatives of their element. What traits do these two individuals share? How are they different?
3. This question is for anyone that has been a Master before. Which is more psychologically challenging: winning the first Mastership or defending the Mastership?
1. Death because the thought of people I know dying makes me scared.
2. There are quite a few I can name here. But if I have to name two, it would be OPsen and Afda. Both of them have so many league titles, which is why i started playing leagues in first place. They also helped me in my kong days, and are both really friendly.
3. Even though i've been a master twice before, I've never defended so idk what it feels like

But I assume defending, because there's more pressure on you.
Pose any trialist a targeted question (ie. specific to them). You may link it if you have already done so.
Have asked Vindilos, Weeaboo and Manuel already
Everybody (should) know each Element has its own trait, its strenght and weakness. Being a Master means to know them perfectly.
Said that, explain what's the strenght and weakness of your Element, and, if you had the chance to add just one card (creature, spell, PC, CC, etc...) to your Element, what would it be and why?
Strength: Great cc, stalbreak in form of fractal, dimshield as one of the best shields, psion as shield bypass.
Weakness: quanta heavy, no PC, works better as a support element instead of a main one
What card i'd want: Deflag sorta card. Dial OP.