Pls, it’ll be 5-0 to deuce, don’t hype 
FWIW, I got very lucky in almost all of my trials wins. DANI being the main exception since she was at such a big disadvantage. But definitely should have lost last trials after the 0-4 start against Zawa. I should have lost to Higs in my first trials, and I think UTAlan should have beaten me the first time I faced him.
If I keep facing decent opponents, my luck will eventually run out. And if my Phase 2 RNG is any indication, then my time is probably up. I'm already at a fairly significant upgrade disadvantage, but hopefully i can close the gap a little in phase 3.
Speaking of upgrades, not really sure how I only got 1 more bonus upgrade than w3, when I'm a 7-time aether master with 3 aether war wins and finished in top 4 last war while w3 is a 2-time master who has never trialed in aether and finished 8th in last war... oh well, i dont make the rules. Will be an interesting change of pace being at an upgrade disadvantage for the first time since my first trials.