Good games MrBlonde, and congrats on winning. I've just a few notes on my end of the battle.
Match 1: To me, it was a Fractal Recluse Deck vs a Fractal Recluse deck; the only difference was mine was more "pure", you had Thunderbolts and Dragons while I simply used Poisons and Deadly Poisons to amplify my Recluses.
Match 2: I did use the same deck as Match 1, and it worked just as intended.
Match 3: I figured you'd find a way to get around the basic rush, so I decided to switch to my Oty/Death control deck. I didn't expect EE, and while I might've been able to counter one if I had included my Gravity Pulls, it wouldn't have been in time. Your Fog Shield did more than you gave it credit for; it would've been much closer had you not played it.
Match 4: I started to experiment here, as you managed to shut me down well last time. However, I had no permanent, so I splashed a Fire Mark and three Deflagrations, hoping to use them to counter what I thought would've been a similar strategy. Your Discords completely ruined me. You gave me nothing to eat, my Arsenics were buried, and even if I had drawn them, they wouldn't have been playable; all my Death and Fire quanta were scattered, so I couldn't destroy your Discord quickly, nor play a Bone Wall and take shelter from the effect. You won this one handily. The reason I had no damaging creatures is that the deck is a counter-attack style deck made of only Boneyards, Condors, and Otyughs. If I get starved out, my only hope is Arsenic. I didn't even consider Antimatters, as usually I can just grow through the effects.
Match 5: You got this one wrong; I didn't even consider Fractal/Pest, rather I figured Darkness would splash better than Fire and that I should return to my original effective deck, the Recluse Rush. It worked rather well I thought; the Nightfall never came into play but the Steals worked well.
Match 6: Same deck, if I recall correctly. I got a bad hand, flooded with my five Darkness cards and never drew enough Aether quanta and a Fractal in time to out deal you in damage. Poor hand, poor luck, good game.
Match 7: Match 7 was interesting, as both I and I think everyone else in the Chat thought I had that one in the bag. I used the same Darkness Aether Death trio, thinking it worked well once and I only had a spout of bad luck last match. I had a good hand, and if I recall you didn't play almost any Death creatures. I figured you'd use them as your main damage dealers, so when I finally saw a Bone pillar/tower come down, I Stole it, thinking I had locked you out of this one. What I didn't count on was my other two Steals not being drawn. I wasn't afraid until the last turn or so; if I had drawn that one card I'dve won that match. As it was, my mistake cost me the game.
Match 8: At this point, I was down by one match, and if he had won, I would lose my title. Thinking of how well Fractal/Recluse had worked last match (I had something like 16+ out) I thought that splashing a Bond or two would make me nearly invincible. Sadly, that didn't work out so well. I never thought of a Time/Death deck past Mummies, so I was completely unprepared for a Poison stall deck. You managed to poison me good and well and stall from there; I don't think I really had a chance unless I had managed to Fractal and play a second Bond earlier. As simple as your deck was, it was simplicity that won you this match.
Well deserved, I might add. In almost every match you managed to provide interesting and better decks than I had. I stuck to the Fractal/Recluse combo almost all the time simply because outside of my fickle Gravity/Death deck it was all I had thought up of. I never even thought of a basic Chryasoara rush. After about Match 3 or 4, it was all deck improvisation from there. You put much more effort and time into this, and it showed. Congrats, and I look forward to challenging you in two months.