3 matches played now and i was lucky, 3-0 in front so far.
first match kami showed me a nice deck with aether mark and fractaled brimstone eaters, but i did good damage and was a bit faster. only a BIT, luckily his last card was a fire spirit.
2nd match was very close, kami showed earth mark, golems, and a few aether pillars for quintessence, i had not the best starting hand but i was drawing nice, so i was faster too. also think his starting hand wasnt good too.
3rd game i had a very good starting hand (2 phoenix first turn) and kami a very bad one, no real damage-dealer (he showed fire-mark with photons, a immolation and a brimstone eater) and also no draw, so it was easy for me to take the victory here.
i was playing a speedphoenix deck, i modified a bit between the matches (changed the weapon in the deck/put in a rain of fire/etc.), i think ill have to think about other decks, cause kami will definitly have a counter, when we meet us to finish our match.