GGs DANI, ty for being flexible in trying to get our matches done.
We agreed to mutually ban shards at no cost to ban points.
Game 1 - LOSS
Lost toss, never drew a lightning. 1 lightning early on would probably have been the difference. Lost by 1 turn.
Game 2 - WIN
Thought DANI would play the same deck, and I didnt think I would lose again with zap chargertal, so went for it. Won toss, decent quanta, early chargertal, and drew 3 lightnings. Pretty easy win.
Game 3 - WIN
Thought DANI might play another MA, but felt like stalling this time. Was fairly close at times since I didnt draw many zaps or dials early on, but I had 3 early sancs and light nymph. Mirror ended up being the dagger.
Game 4 - WIN
Figured it was time to bust out an MA of my own, but I was half expecting a stall. Won toss, lots of quanta but no fractal or spiders. Drew fractal 2 turns later, so I fractaled his spider then zapped them. Pretty easy rush from there when u play 2 spiders each turn.
Game 5 - WIN
DANI keeps rushing, so I figured its time for a domin that should control the field (since DANI can't use fractal) and have a chance against a stall. Early dagger + stolen fog + 12 CC. Never drew a vamp, but drew late fractal, which I used on DANI's flies.
Game 6 - WIN
Wanted to use one of my fun unique decks that I built, but not sure they would hold up against DANI's relentless rushing. So stuck with the stalls since they troll decks without fractal. Early lobo could have hurt, but DANI didnt draw it til later and started playing creatures fast. Could have zapped them early, instead i waited til i caould AM + quint his spider, then zapped the rest. Game was pretty much over at that point since mindgate and quinted nymph came out shortly thereafter.