Great Games mesa! Thanks so much for the game that you were willing to give me the opportunity and a fun match too!
So the result is:
Zso_Zso 5 - 4 mesaprotector
Decks:Game 1 WIN (1-0)I was facing an entropy mark, some quantum pillars and no creature weapon or shield for a long time, so didn't really know what mesa was playing which made me nervous (being afraid of an OTK). But my SoPa was pumping the damage up and just before it got enough for my OTK, mesa played a diss-shield, so I took of the SoPa to take it down with damage, then won.
gameplay video:
Game 2 WIN(2-0)Dim-shield against a mono-light rush is OP. 'nuf said... As it turned out in chat, he had some reflective shields in the deck, which would have killed me, but I was lucky that they were bottom-decked.
gameplay video:
Game 3 LOSS(2-1)Mono-light rush almost-mirror, with the exception that he had miracles and I had nymphs, as it turns out miracle > light nymph.
In other words: the first strike of the miracles -- which I did not ban, while mesa did. This shows he was the more experienced master

gameplay video:
Game 4 LOSS(2-2)This was a weird matchup with crusaders vs crusaders. He played death duo, but did not draw weapon. For a while I was waiting for his weapon to come up, so I can block his crusaders with gravy shield once he endows, but that did not work out, I was getting too much damage + poison. When I put up my Titan, of course, he could endow it too. Then came Miracle strike-2 to seal the fate of the game.
gameplay video:
Game 5 WIN(3-2)Smelled a stall coming, so I brought my stall-breaker deck. The stall was immortal, and it was almost too much for my SoPa to handle, barely got enough damage at the end, couldn't wait for OTK level damage due to SS, my multiple strikes were slowed down by miracles + sancs healing. Had to back-pedal and put up a 2nd SoPa to collect more damage. Very close one

gameplay video:
Game 6 LOSS(3-3)An epic fail-draw for my OTK deck. Ran out of dims and was missing the TU from the combo (I had all the quanta needed at 12 cards left). I tested this deck a lot, originally it had some hourglasses, but in my testing they did not really help, made the deck fater and it worked better in slimmer version without them. Never had a draw where I was left without dims for so long. Well, RNG is RNG...
gameplay video:
Game 7 LOSS(3-4)In my desperation, I decided to bring out my fun-deck. This was supposed to counter stalls too (and miracles!) by bringing down the opponetn max HP into range of the voodoo+holy-light sudden kill. Unfortunately, I only drew 2 SoVs early so the brining down was slow, as well as my Hope-setup due to low quanta start. By the time I managed to block the incoming damage by hope + sundials, it was too late, I had a lot of poison counters on me.
gameplay video:
Game 8 WIN(4-4)Back to my trusty SoPa deck -- the hero of my arsenal! Even though, the SoPa decided to hide deep this time (then got exploded when it finally came), the squids managed to keep the immo-rush in a perpetually frozen state, so even my low-damage critters managed to kill eventually.
gameplay video:
Game 9 WIN(5-4)I was thinking a lot what to bring. I had prepared a lot of decks (like 24), but I had to pick a strong one, nothing funky this time for the final. I almost picked the psions again, which would have been bad, because mesa played a reflective shield. So I got a luckier pick with the titan-sader. When I placed most of my damage on the table, I could kill in 2 turns, but mesa started a miracle chain (mixed with some sundials) that seemed to never end and I almost decked out, barely won with last turn damage with 0 cards left.
gameplay video:
Really great and exciting games!
Thanks a lot again mesa!