Question: What happens if they tie again?
tietiebreakerbreaker. Or I toss a dice 
For a method of tiebreaking that's at little less arbitrary (than dice), how about something like this:
Individual Games Won
Individual Games Lost
Games won within the group
Games lost within the group Doesn't change anything.
EDIT: So I went ahead and compiled the stats and here's what we've got (this doesn't include the tiebreaker).
Individual games won:
B: 6
K: 5
M: 6
Games Lost:
B: 8
K: 7
M: 8
Won in group:
B: 5
K: 5
M: 4
So using these tiebreakers, the results would be
2nd- Belthazar666
3rd- Memorystick
4th- Kuroaitou
The other option for tiebreakers is to do it like the NFL does, where once a tiebreaker drops one of the three out, you revert back to head-to-head play, in which case Belthazar666 and Memorystick would swap.
This is all moot if Memorystick wins his tiebreaker though.