Now that both matches are done with I can post my decks! =3
Anyway, I had seen two of nilsie's and number's matches and prepared for the possibility that he would go with predictable decks like his Discord. I tried several gravity decks against the Discord deck and only Catatitan had stood a fair chance against him, so it was with that deck that I entered the showdown.
Game#1: WIN
Used Catatitans against Number's Discord/BH. Got out my first Titan and Catapult before he started his lockdown, but fortunately for me the RNG saved me several times -- his Discord never drained away enough
quanta for my tactic to be stopped. I miscalculated, catting the first Titan too early, and not leaving enough quanta to cat the second one. Numbers AMed my flown Titan and BH'd away my quanta, leaving a scary turn where it could've gone either way. Thankfully his Discord once again was thwarted by the RNG, and I had enough quanta left to cat the second one, leaving my third Titan to finish him off.
Game #2: LOSS
Took a gamble and stayed with Catatitans. He went with Fire eaters and Deflags; I felt dread as soon as I saw the fire mark. Even so, it was close -- down to the last turn, with me having 1 HP left and him 17. I had a Titan in my weapon slot, if I had drawn a flying weapon I would've won. Alas, it was a pillar.
Game #3: LOSS
Took another gamble and switched to Lightning Chargers, which had performed relatively well against nilsie. This gamble I lost, with numbers having switched back to Discord. I managed one Charger and Lobo the whole game, the former of which he AM'd and which I was forced to lightning. I had prayed for no AM the turn before too...with my main damage output gone all I could do was hit spacebar and hope for a Discord fail on his part (never happened).
Game #4: WIN
Went back to Catatitans, even though I was afraid I'd be making a predictable move. Thankfully, numbers had made the wrong deck choice this time with a Lightning Chargers of his own, and it only took two Titans for me to finish him off.
Game #5: LOSS
After a bad start (he exited out of the game before we started), we gave it another go after he changed his deck. This time the matchup was in his favor -- like Game #2, it was Fire-eaters vs. Catatitans. But although it could've been close like Game #2, it wasn't -- RNG decided to screw with me for real, and I didn't see a single Titan the entire game. What made it worse was he was slow to start up his damage, so it was literally by luck that I didn't have any early damage to at least make it close.
(No screenshot - was dumb and forgot again)
Overall, great match, much closer than I had imagined. The battle was won by deck choice -- several times it was the matchups alone that determined who was the victor. The other thing this did for me was raise my appreciation for Catatitans and the Catapult card in general. Especially with the new Catapult buff which takes 3 to kill instead of 4, I can safely say the buff does make a difference.
Now for the decks:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55s 55s 55s 55s 55s 55s 561 561 561 561 561 576 576 576 576 576 576 74h 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 8pl
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55p 55p 55p 562 562 562 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 61q 61q 61q 61u 61u 745 745 745 745 745 80a 8pu