Whew. What a series of nerve-wrecking matches.
Bans :

Explosion /

Round 1 - Loss
744 744 744 744 744 744 744 746 746 746 746 746 746 747 747 748 74c 74c 74c 74d 74d 74d 74h 74h 74h 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m
I banned Explosions to prevent him from bombing my Trebuchets and Titans while I stall with Armagios and Gravity Force. Apparently it didn't work so well against a

creature spam. He didn't have any CCs whatsoever, so I would've won easily had I taken Otys.
Round 2 - Win
Same deck.
Firestall. At least I didn't have the fear of my Armagios getting killed, so I played them straight away and kept on damaging. He did take out a Fahrenheit and later almost bolted me to death, but he was one bolt short.
Round 3 - Win
Same deck.
Immolation golem / dragon rush. I luckily drew Guards and Gravity Forces right on time to kill the golems, but he started to accumulate more and more damage on the field. Also, I didn't seem to be drawing a Trebuchet, so I changed my plan to stall like crazy with Armagios. After four Armagios got shred into pieces defending me, my Guards and the Massive Dragon (the FIRST time I've ever played the dragon, ever) killed him.
Round 4 - Loss
744 744 744 744 744 744 744 746 746 746 746 747 747 748 74b 74b 74b 74b 74b 74c 74c 74c 74d 74d 74d 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m
Decided to change a bit and let the Otys feast on kev's feeble creatures... except his deck was faster.
It was also the match where I realized that I could've used a Gavel instead of a Titan. Fml for not realizing that before the tournament had even started (well I guess it did help against Terro's Diamond Shield though).
Round 5 - Win
6rl 6rl 6rl 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 746 746 746 746 746 747 747 748 74d 74d 74d 74h 74h 74h 74h 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m
Back to the original deck, this time with Gavels instead of Titans. Switching the weapon was pretty much pointless though because by the time I drew the weapon, I already had 15+ quanta. Kev took the Firestall again, but drew the Fahrenheit too late and only two bolts, unable to overwhelm the flinged Armagios.
Thus I have proved that

can win against

, the best rush element.
GGs kev, and thanks for the reminder