So close, but good games there.
List of side-elements, gonna save the actual decks.
Slightly weird deck, but fairly good against a duo. Got two Armagios, one Elite, and froze then tossed them, but I EQ'd his pillars and sucked his quanta dry long enough to give me the win.
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55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55n 55n 55n 55n 55v 55v 55v 55v 576 576 576 576 576 576 593 593 593 593 747 747 74c 74c 77a 77a 8pm
I knew I was sort of nuts depending on even a couple shields in a deck against Gravity in the likelihood of momentum, but I opted for them over more Deathstalkers. Regardless, his Fractal Guards was too much for my pair of bonewalls.
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52u 52u 52u 52u 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55n 55q 55q 55q 55q 55q 55q 55s 55s 576 576 576 576 576 576 71b 71b 747 747 747 747 8pk
Simple enough for a Wings deck, and to boot with the lots of Gravity quanta that came with quite a few pendulums allowed the use of dragons. None of his stuff flew, so I waited a little till I actually drew damage, and then finished him off with a juicy EM.
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55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55n 55n 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 5oo 5oo 5oo 5oo 5oo 5oo 748 748 748 748 74c 74c 8pr
Tried the BHEQ deck again, but it severely failed against his reused Fractal Guards.
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55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55n 55n 55n 55n 55v 55v 55v 55v 576 576 576 576 576 576 593 593 593 593 747 747 74c 74c 77a 77a 8pm
Opted to try with the Wings deck again, but failed as damage was hard to draw, and he countered with his own Air tactics with flying Titans and just slipped through my Wings relentlessly.
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55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55n 55n 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 5oo 5oo 5oo 5oo 5oo 5oo 748 748 748 748 74c 74c 8pr