Very close games, thanks for the match
bans - SoPa, SoSac, SoFree, Steal, NT, Fractal, Lobo, Miracle, Wings
Game 1:
Loss vs Earth Duo
Adren on the golems was 1 turn faster than my Adren'd Scorps even with the poison. got him down to 8hp.
Game 2:
Won vs Gravity Duo
Early Jade shield and Quints gave me high hopes. and when he played Overdrive my SoW went to town with that and then an adrenaline on the second golem.
Game 3:
Loss vs Aether Duo
What good is a stall vs psions when there are no reflective shields.
Game 4:
Won (Illegal?) vs Darkness Duo
2 early fireflies, and a shockwave to kill his only played vamp. blue nymph came out quickly and helped me lock down a win with the UGs.
Game 5:
Won vs Mono Life
dc after dc after dc....... finally my AI won on both sides after some bad rng for kdz.
I realized the "Your deck may NOT contain more cards of any off-element than it does of your in-element." rule about 2 days after the match, and how one of my decks was illegal.