ggs, very close in a few games with only 1 turn difference.
Thanks for the match will.
Bans - SoFo, SoFree, SoSac, Deflag, RT, Wings, EQ, Dims, Skull Shield
Game 1:
Loss vs Air Duo
Fast poisons and scorps, followed by equally fast FFQs and Flies. desynch about 2 turns from the end, won both sides, but his AI didn't play Fog sealing his win.
Game 2:
Won vs Gravity Duo
He got out a few Otys and a frog before we desynched. I got a late Shield and then it was a lockdown on my side. My AI doesn't know how to play quints or SoW on opponents creatures, but will gave me the win here.
Game 3:
Loss vs Time Duo
Mito Dejas flooded the field and with Ebonds and healing. we both out healed each others damage but he had 2 more cards for deckout. desynch near the end but he already had my fate sealed away.
Game 4:
Loss vs Aether Duo
Came down to 1 turn shy of a win, but
Will is a beast with frogtal upped frogs are extremely fast.