Mine: Shard of Focus, Shard of Wisdom, Owl's Eye, Bone Wall, Sanctuary
rob77dp: Shard of Patience, Shard of Gratitude, Earthquake, Purify, Steal
Game 1 Loss:
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52s 52s 52s 534 534 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 594 594 594 594 594 594 718 718 718 718 718 718 71a 71a 77c 77c 77c 77c 8pm
vs Chargers Duo. Mummies were nicely blocked by the Diamond Shield, but he started playing chargers. He rushed me down, with Stone Skin only saving me a turn.
Game 2 Loss:
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4sk 52g 52g 52t 52t 52t 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 5v1 5v1 5v1 713 713 718 718 718 718 718 718 7t8 7t8 7tb 7tb 8pt
vs Flying Arsenics. I totally forgot that this variant wasn't supposed to be played in-element! I didn't draw a VDagger nor a Dusk, but luckily nightmare wasn't that much of a dead card as I could still nightmare Arsenics. I still lost by a turn.
Game 3 Win:
So Minty Fresh
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4sk 52o 52o 52o 52o 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c2 5c2 718 718 71a 71a 71a 71u 71u 71u 71u 71u 71u 7ak 8pn
vs Poisions. This was a really nice counter, but unfortunately I had a mark-only draw which made the match still too close. I managed to survive for a few turns until I finally drew a pend to play stuff with. Healed up for a SoSac and just chained them to victory. This card is disgusting.
Game 4 Win:
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4sk 4vn 4vn 52g 52g 52t 534 534 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 542 6u5 6u5 6u5 6u7 6u7 713 713 713 713 713 713 715 8pj
vs Monodeath. Low quanta start for him and crazy Discord RNG made this a game that was decided pretty early.
Game 5 Win:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4sk 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52o 52o 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i7 718 718 718 718 71a 71a 71a 71u 71u 71u 71u 8pp
vs Chargers Duo. Was expecting either this or a light stall. Drew my only freeze early, delaying damage for more room for SoSac, then started chaining it after enough poison to win before the chain ends. This card is disgusting.
Good games, rob!