Good games!
I got scared after G2, and g3 was very close!
Bans: Shard of Void, Shard of Patience, Shard of Sacrifice, Shard of Focus, Steal, Fractal, Gravity Pull, Discord, Black Hole, Miracle
Spoiler for Game 1:
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4st 4st 4st 4st 4st 5uk 5uk 5ul 5ul 5ul 5ul 5ul 5ul 5us 5us 5us 5us 606 6rd 7t4 7t4 7t8 7tb 7tb 7tb 7tc 7tc 7um 7um 7um 8pt
Spoiler for Game 2:
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4st 4st 4st 4st 4st 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5ul 5us 5us 5us 5us 606 606 61q 61q 61r 61r 6rd 7t8 7tb 7tb 7tb 7tc 7tc 7um 80a 80a 80a 80a 8pu
Spoiler for Game 3:
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4vh 55q 590 590 590 5c1 5c1 5fb 5uv 5uv 606 606 606 606 606 61q 61q 61q 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 71b 7t8 7tb 7tb 7tf 7tf 8pj
Spoiler for Game 4:
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5ig 5ig 5io 5io 5io 5io 5uo 5uo 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 7gk 7gk 7gk 7h0 7h0 7i6 7i6 7i6 7ta 7ta 7tb 7tb 8pp