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(Earth Trials - 4) Mithcairion 3 - ZBlader 1 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29425.msg375201#msg375201
« on: August 03, 2011, 06:17:18 pm »
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Deck import code : [Select]
590 590 592 592 595 595 595 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5ru 5ru 5ru 5ru 77g 77g 77g 77g 7q8 7q8 8ps

Ghosts and Graboids, gotta love it.  He had a little more stall to his, though, as he tried to use Wardens, and that was ultimately what doomed him since I was able to rewind them and he simply wasn't able to get out the damage to compete as I was constantly pumping out quanta and creatures.

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Deck import code : [Select]
58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 590 590 590 590 590 590 593 593 593 593 5aa 5rk 5rk 5rk 5rk 5rk 5rk 77a 77a 77a 77a 78q 78q 8ps

We desynced several times, most with me winning, but some with him.  In the end, we desynced again, but I had his board cleared and quanta-less at 6 HP, so he gave me the win.  I was ready to kill the servers at this point.

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Deck import code : [Select]
58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 592 592 594 594 595 595 595 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5ol 5ol 5oo 5oo 5oo 5oo 77b 77b 77b 77b 77b 77b 8pr

Yeah, wasn't really able to do much.  He got out an early Pulvy, which completely stopped me from playing too much.  He managed to Momentum a Golem for a good portion of the game, and momentumed a Dragon to finish me off.  Not a particularly close game.  That'll teach me to try and hard counter someone.

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Deck import code : [Select]
58u 58u 58u 58u 58u 58u 594 594 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 61t 77a 80d 80d 80i 80i 80i 8pu

I saw the Death mark and got a little nervous, as Plague could really hurt this deck, but knew that the odds of him taking a Death mark just to use Plague were slim and none.  I was able to Fractal Gnome Riders fairly early and build up a solid quanta base.  We picked away at each other, I Stone Skinned and Dimensional Shield chained when necessary, Fractaled Golems for the win.  I lost  decent amount of life, but the Stone Skins and Dimensional Shields in hand meant it really was never that close.

Great games, Z.  If there's one thing I'm learning these Trials, it's that deck matchups make all the difference.  Helluva good job!
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Re: (Earth Trials - 4) Mithcairion 3 - ZBlader 1 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29425.msg375203#msg375203
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2011, 06:27:16 pm »
Game 1- Locked down, just as he said. His Mark : :time
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Deck import code : [Select]
58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 590 590 590 590 591 591 593 593 593 596 596 5rk 5rr 77a 77a 77g 77g 7q4 7q4 8ps

Game 2 - Same as above. His Mark : :time
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Deck import code : [Select]
4vl 4vl 4vp 4vp 4vp 4vp 58o 58o 590 590 590 590 591 591 591 591 591 593 593 594 594 5aa 5aa 5aa 5aa 778 778 778 778 778 778 8pj

Game 3 - Probably the only game where I had some luck on my side, he got counterdecked. His Mark : :air
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Deck import code : [Select]
55q 55q 55q 55q 55t 55t 58o 58o 58o 58q 58q 58r 58r 58r 58r 58v 58v 594 594 595 595 5aa 5aa 5aa 778 778 778 778 778 778 8pl

Game 4 -  I facepalmed when I saw this deck because I had been stuck between 2 decks for the next match, and my other one had a better chance, at worst. Fractal'd Gemfinders to outheal my Arsenic and I was pretty sure he had a Phase Shield the entire time. His Mark : :aether
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Deck import code : [Select]
52o 52o 52o 52o 52q 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58q 58q 58r 58r 58r 58r 593 593 593 593 71a 778 778 778 77a 77a 8pk

Good games Mith!

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Re: (Earth Trials - 4) Mithcairion 3 - ZBlader 1 https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=29425.msg377579#msg377579
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2011, 12:45:01 am »
I really like the earth/aether deck. Gotta love fractal gnomies, they can do anything.

And sad the wings deck didn't work out, always gotta love the wings. No surprise Grabs with ghosts/EQs did well, earth and time is always solid.

Good job Mith.
You're just as selfish as I am. You're just not as good at it yet.


blarg: Mithcairion,Zblader