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Re: 12th Trials - Suggestions & Feedback (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #72 on: March 25, 2019, 09:06:15 pm »
I mean you can have 2 suggestions at once lol. Yours being valid doesnt mean mmine isn't.

Think the q and a is great, so vote should happen, but have less impact.
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Re: 12th Trials - Suggestions & Feedback (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #73 on: March 25, 2019, 09:12:32 pm »
I think final battle rules are fine. If you're worried about people knowing what you played in the past, play something different. It won't affect time trials. I know exactly what kaempf will play regardless of the meta. He's too predictable and relies heavily on his perfectly optimized decks, but his optimization won't save him this time. My scarabs are coming for you. You better watch out. I can see it now. Game 1, you know I know that you played SoV dials game one last year so I will be ready for it. But you also know that I know that you know that so I won't prepare for SoV Dials. You also know that I just said I would play scarabs so you try to mindgate me. But then you realize that you can't mindgate me so you do what you always do and rely on your superior deck building. You play SoV dials anyways. You see my scarabs and laugh, but then you realize that they're unupped scarabs and I'm running ready BE scarabs and I beat you yet again. GG checkmate. As CCCombo always says, "May RNG smile upon us all" except it won't matter because the only one smiling will be me. Even Wyand-level RNG won't save you this time.  :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :-*

Also manual, as much as I want to agree with you, it'd be more impressive when I win trials after losing the vote 0-10 so I unfortunately I cannot get behind a change in the voting system.
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Re: 12th Trials - Suggestions & Feedback (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #74 on: March 26, 2019, 01:00:41 am »
"nooo u can't be master u need experience, the master should reflect the community and the community should reflect the master u should also be able to teamwork since war isn't easy so the best system to decide this is an anonymous voting system

2 months later, wms:

apparently we need 4 gens so send your application in private so we, wms and not the community or the trial overseers, decide privately who can be general or no
do you remember all that words during phase 2 like reflect the playstile of your element and be loyal to it etc? all bullshits pls hurry send those applications we need to create a blind auction system and try to make people believe is a draft system


+1 ^^^

I love how this blame is pushed onto WMs because we are the closest staff related to the War event. If you were misinformed my apologies, but this was not WMs decision and we had no say in who was picked. This is purely councils decision.

Also I laugh at w3 "+1-ing" this when he clearly knows it is council and not WMs choice. (he was one of the council members choosing after all)  :P

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Re: 12th Trials - Suggestions & Feedback (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #75 on: March 26, 2019, 01:33:16 am »
Trolls gonna troll?

Offline Vineroz

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Re: 12th Trials - Suggestions & Feedback (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #76 on: March 26, 2019, 01:50:17 am »
Can we clarify the fact that Trials is an event to select Masters of an element, but not Generals of War? Although in this dwindling community War General seems to be the only reason for being a Master, they are still not the same role.

For the Trials format, I do think the Community Vote part needs to be changed. It was only meaningful when the community was big enough.
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Offline Manuel

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Re: 12th Trials - Suggestions & Feedback (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #77 on: March 26, 2019, 02:56:12 pm »
I love how this blame is pushed onto WMs because we are the closest staff related to the War event. If you were misinformed my apologies, but this was not WMs decision and we had no say in who was picked. This is purely councils decision.

Also I laugh at w3 "+1-ing" this when he clearly knows it is council and not WMs choice. (he was one of the council members choosing after all)  :P

i never blamed someone, i only judge what i (can) see
this makes me laugh even more, thanks for revealing it, let me rephrase

everyone, august 2018:
nooo u can't be master u need experience, the master should reflect the community and the community should reflect the master u should also be able to teamwork since war isn't easy so the best system to decide this is an anonymous voting system

2 months later, council:
apparently we need 4 gens so send your application in private so we, council and not the community or the trial overseers, decide privately who can be general or no
do you remember all that words during phase 2 like reflect the playstile of your element and be loyal to it etc? all bullshits pls hurry send those applications

the biggest issue i see is the illogical way to judge people during phase 2, and in the end call back that players who lost the final battle purely for playing against someone with 5 more ups than them; this is a fact since 10 out of 12 battles was won by players who got more votes during phase 2

Can we clarify the fact that Trials is an event to select Masters of an element, but not Generals of War?

100% false, accoring to communityâ„¢ they expect you to be general

Trolls gonna troll?

that time of the month again?

Offline worldwideweb3

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Re: 12th Trials - Suggestions & Feedback (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #78 on: March 26, 2019, 03:02:47 pm »
I love how this blame is pushed onto WMs because we are the closest staff related to the War event. If you were misinformed my apologies, but this was not WMs decision and we had no say in who was picked. This is purely councils decision.

Also I laugh at w3 "+1-ing" this when he clearly knows it is council and not WMs choice. (he was one of the council members choosing after all)  :P

i never blamed someone, i only judge what i (can) see
this makes me laugh even more, thanks for revealing it, let me rephrase

everyone, august 2018:
nooo u can't be master u need experience, the master should reflect the community and the community should reflect the master u should also be able to teamwork since war isn't easy so the best system to decide this is an anonymous voting system

2 months later, council:
apparently we need 4 gens so send your application in private so we, council and not the community or the trial overseers, decide privately who can be general or no
do you remember all that words during phase 2 like reflect the playstile of your element and be loyal to it etc? all bullshits pls hurry send those applications

the biggest issue i see is the illogical way to judge people during phase 2, and in the end call back that players who lost the final battle purely for playing against someone with 5 more ups than them; this is a fact since 10 out of 12 battles was won by players who got more votes during phase 2

Can we clarify the fact that Trials is an event to select Masters of an element, but not Generals of War?

100% false, accoring to communityâ„¢ they expect you to be general

Trolls gonna troll?

that time of the month again?

Its not the votes that matter, its the other stuff too. The 10/12 who won were probably more skilled anyways, hence they got the vote in first place. I've been in 4 trials. I have won 3 of them. In all 3 trials, i lost phase 3. The only one trial where i got more votes in, i ended up losing the final battle.
First player to become master of 3 different elements.
WC 2016 - #2. WC 2015 - #3 Devil's gate, Trinity, War #10, 12 lives - #2.
Avvy by rob77dp
Rightful winner of war #14 - Team Air

Offline immortal feud

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Re: 12th Trials - Suggestions & Feedback (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #79 on: March 26, 2019, 07:08:24 pm »
I think final battle rules are fine. If you're worried about people knowing what you played in the past, play something different. It won't affect time trials. I know exactly what kaempf will play regardless of the meta. He's too predictable and relies heavily on his perfectly optimized decks, but his optimization won't save him this time. My scarabs are coming for you. You better watch out. I can see it now. Game 1, you know I know that you played SoV dials game one last year so I will be ready for it. But you also know that I know that you know that so I won't prepare for SoV Dials. You also know that I just said I would play scarabs so you try to mindgate me. But then you realize that you can't mindgate me so you do what you always do and rely on your superior deck building. You play SoV dials anyways. You see my scarabs and laugh, but then you realize that they're unupped scarabs and I'm running ready BE scarabs and I beat you yet again. GG checkmate. As CCCombo always says, "May RNG smile upon us all" except it won't matter because the only one smiling will be me. Even Wyand-level RNG won't save you this time.  :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :-*

Also manual, as much as I want to agree with you, it'd be more impressive when I win trials after losing the vote 0-10 so I unfortunately I cannot get behind a change in the voting system.
i enjoyed this
recovering firestall addict

Offline Manuel

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Re: 12th Trials - Suggestions & Feedback (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #80 on: March 26, 2019, 08:50:01 pm »
The 10/12 who won were probably more skilled anyways

lol not even you believe in this

there are already requirements (forum posts, pvp events to join) to cut out these "nonskilled" players

Offline worldwideweb3

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  • Awards: Slice of Elements 15th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 12th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament Winner (2021.01.03.)Weekly Tournament Winner (2020.11.22.)14th Trials - Master of AirWeekly Tournament Winner (2020.06.28.)Weekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament Winner (2020.05.03.)Elements League 3/2019 2nd PlaceSlice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeElements League 3/2018 1st PlaceWinner of Team PvP #812th Trials - Master of AetherElements: Academy WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerElements League 2/2017 3rd PlaceWinner of Draft #4 - PvP Event11th Trials - Master of FireBattle League 1/2017 1st PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerBattle League and Championship League 3/2016 1st PlaceChampionship League 2/2016 1st Place10th Trials - Master of GravityChampionship League 1/2016 2nd PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerChampionship League 3/2015 3rd PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerChampionship League 1/2015 1st PlaceWar #8 Winner - Team FireBattle League 2/2014 2nd Place
Re: 12th Trials - Suggestions & Feedback (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #81 on: March 26, 2019, 11:47:01 pm »
The 10/12 who won were probably more skilled anyways

lol not even you believe in this

there are already requirements (forum posts, pvp events to join) to cut out these "nonskilled" players

I said more skilled. This means that the people who didn’t get votes are less skilled, not non skilled. Also love how you ignored the rest of my post.
First player to become master of 3 different elements.
WC 2016 - #2. WC 2015 - #3 Devil's gate, Trinity, War #10, 12 lives - #2.
Avvy by rob77dp
Rightful winner of war #14 - Team Air

