How does a 'Both Worthy' option work in Trials with more than two contenders? Admittedly, it's a bit moot since I believe the only Trial with more than 2 was Death, and we had way too many with only 1 participant. However, it's still worth fleshing out if you want to propose that change.
I think an upgrade cap for voting isn't inherently bad, but I don't think it's necessary. If somebody's getting 10-0'd in votes, then there's a reason why nobody's showing confidence in that person. As for our own voting disparity, Manuel, if you look at our PvP records, we've won a similar amount of tournaments. We've both won a War. And yes, you've certainly done better in the current phase 2 (and 4!
). But you have no generalships under your belt and less overall PvP experience, and your recent behavior with the rant posts doesn't exactly scream "I trust this person to lead my team to a glorious victory." If you reframe the "Who is most worthy?" question to "Which of these fine fellows would I enjoy working under/trust to lead me in a team," going off of dd's point, I think it might be easier to see why people weren't quite as enthused about your phase 3 prospects despite your superior recent PvP success.
Another thing I want to bring up-- I think loyalty bonuses were trimmed down a little too much. Legacy matters, and if you reduce that while keeping the power of STANDIN unchanged then you're giving an indirect buff to STANDIN.