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Re: 8th Trials - Rules (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2014, 06:04:10 am »
Appended "How to Join" section with rules regarding "Extra-Time" for Elements with 1 challenger.
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Re: 8th Trials - Rules (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2014, 03:06:57 pm »
Off-Element Match specific rules:
Before every match you and your opponent chat message someone not in either one of your elements, nor facing it 3 cards. These cards are banned for both you and your opponent. You may only ban 1 card from your opponent's element, and it may not be a creature.

,, nor facing it 3 cards.''?

Does it means that both of us send PM to third person in chat with 3 cards we want to ban?
And then he anounces 6 cards banned...

And then we will have 6 cards banned in total? (except shards)
WAR:earth#7:time#8,#9,#10:death gen#11:fire#12
Tourneys 12X13,25I14,10I,20VI15,15VI,23VII16,10VI17,8XII18
Well,I'd like to help,but not as much as I'd like not to.

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Re: 8th Trials - Rules (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2014, 03:14:42 pm »
Off-Element Match specific rules:
Before every match you and your opponent chat message someone not in either one of your elements, nor facing it 3 cards. These cards are banned for both you and your opponent. You may only ban 1 card from your opponent's element, and it may not be a creature.

,, nor facing it 3 cards.''?

Does it means that both of us send PM to third person in chat with 3 cards we want to ban?
And then he anounces 6 cards banned...

And then we will have 6 cards banned in total? (except shards)

Yep.  And the not facing it means that you can't choose any of the players in your element or the element you're paired with, in your case, :aether or :earth.  So choose any player who isn't Zawadx, CCCombobreaker, MegroN, or Drake XIV
Brawl 3 - Team Whispers in the  :darkness, War 8 - :air, 9th Master - :earth, War 9 - :earth, War 10 - :fire
Mafia Record: Town 3-4, Mafia 2-1
Brawl 4 - Red Stars (:fire)
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Offline CCCombobreaker

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Re: 8th Trials - Rules (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2014, 03:36:14 pm »
Yeah, a little awkward for :earth and :aether with both TrOs in those matchups, but I'm sure we can find someone from another Element to arbitrate the bans.
Deckbuilding mad scientist.  Come by and hang out in my stream!


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Re: 8th Trials - Rules (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2014, 05:20:36 pm »
From my side one more...

Since there are challengers that have unlocked same Element twice,(in my case its  :fire).
So im allowed to use  :fire 2 time in match.Thats clear.

But,Am i allowed to use  :fire twice in one duel (=deck)?
That way i can build duo deck (that might be considered trio,maybe...) with:
min 40% :aether
min 25% :fire + min 25% :fire = min 50 %  :fire
That way i would use  :fire twice.
Naturally ,after that i will not have acces to  :fire annymore in that match.

I want to ask:
Is 40% in-element and 60% off-element duo legal,if you have unlocked same off-element twice?
WAR:earth#7:time#8,#9,#10:death gen#11:fire#12
Tourneys 12X13,25I14,10I,20VI15,15VI,23VII16,10VI17,8XII18
Well,I'd like to help,but not as much as I'd like not to.

Offline CCCombobreaker

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Re: 8th Trials - Rules (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2014, 05:21:28 pm »
From my side one more...

But,Am i allowed to use  :fire twice in one duel (=deck)?
That way i can build duo deck (that might be considered trio,maybe...) with:
min 40% :aether
min 25% :fire + min 25% :fire = min 50 %  :fire
That way i would use  :fire twice.
Naturally ,after that i will not have acces to  :fire annymore in that match.

I want to ask:
Is 40% in-element and 60% off-element duo legal,if you have unlocked same off-element twice?

No that is not legal.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 05:23:10 pm by CCCombobreaker »
Deckbuilding mad scientist.  Come by and hang out in my stream!

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Re: 8th Trials - Rules (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #18 on: August 15, 2014, 10:21:02 am »
Question for TROs:

Can I ask multiple questions from people in a specific element or I can only ask 1 per candidate?
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It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye...

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Offline CCCombobreaker

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Re: 8th Trials - Rules (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #19 on: August 15, 2014, 03:11:34 pm »
there is no legal-limit to the questions you ask or to whom you ask them.  Just be courteous of the fact that people want to answer the questions and if you ask a lot of them they may not be able to give as good or thoughtful answers.
Deckbuilding mad scientist.  Come by and hang out in my stream!

Offline CCCombobreaker

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Re: 8th Trials - Rules (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2014, 07:30:02 pm »
Noticed and corrected a minor contradiction regarding upgrades allowed in the final battle.

Previously the last line did not include the war and loyalty bonuses, but both sections regarding the bonuses stated they would be included in the total.  So I updated the last line to included those bonuses.
Deckbuilding mad scientist.  Come by and hang out in my stream!

Offline CCCombobreaker

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Re: 8th Trials - Rules (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #21 on: September 04, 2014, 06:02:35 pm »
The following additions have been made to the 8th Trials Rules:

Quote from: Rules
In the event there are not two participants in an Element at the end of Phase 3, the final battle will be between the single participant and an opponent to be chosen by the TrOs before the start of Phase 4.  If the participant loses to the chosen opponent, that Element will have no Master until one is victorious in a subsequent Trials.

In the event there are no participants in an Element at the start of Phase 4, that Element will have no Master until one is victorious in subsequent Trials.

In the event the Final Battle goes unplayed for an Element:
1) If one player can provide overwhelming evidence of their availability for the match, and the inability or unreliability of their opponent to play the match, that player may be awarded the victory pending consultation between TrOs and available Council members. 
2) If both players were active but unable to find an agreeable time or both were inactive or otherwise unwilling or unable to play the match, there will be consultation between the TrOs and available Council members, and it is most likely there will be no Master for that Element until one is victorious in subsequent Trials.
Deckbuilding mad scientist.  Come by and hang out in my stream!

