My thought process on Phase 1:
I came into TrOship thinking that there would be a Proving of Worthiness.
I read past suggestion threads. At least in last one, there was a mix of pro and anti Phase 1. But there had been a 'Proving of Worthiness' in recent trials. So I created a Phase 1. Was it perfect? No. Was it good? Up to the person. Did I think it was good? Maybe, depending on how one part of it went. Would it actually fit 'Proving of Worthiness' to the people who are looking for Phase 1 to be that? No. I highly doubt it. It was probably just a same old Phase 1 that just proves activity. And it would probably be complained about again, for varying reasons.
And then there was brawl. Brawl, ultimately for this conversation, is a Phase 1 long term team event with voting. If trials was to start early June, then it either starts during brawl (what happened) or starts immediately/soon after brawl starts. And if there's a 'Proving of Worthiness', what about the people in Brawl? Isn't it just seemingly another round for them, where they might have to do a task for a group they didn't sign up for? And the fact that they'd have to do basically two rounds in one round if they wanted to be in trials and brawl (if it started during brawl). Neither of these made it seem like doing a 'Proving of Worthiness' was a good idea.
So I moved on to the idea of not having a Proving of Worthiness.
It lets the Brawl members not have to do more work. It still won't be a 'Proving of Worthiness'. It lets me not use my meh idea.
Sounded great to me.
If someone suggests a way in that Phase 1 actually becomes a way for people to prove their worthiness as a Master then it sounds great and would probably make it's way into next trials. Hell, next trials might have a proving of activity if people decide they rather have one and hate the idea of just a signup for Phase 1. Especially if it doesn't overlap with Brawl at that point. In which, unless a better idea comes around, the meh idea that I thought of this trials may come back for next.
Non-master Generals will be retaining the Soldier points this trials. This may change for future ones. Q: If a soldier rises to general mid war and they come up near the top, what happens? Who gets what points (assuming there is still a division in points for the MasterGeneral and the soldier)?
I don't see why masters should be judged on placement and not the soldiers as well. I don't agree on loyalty points for being on the war team. Teams that get lower on the ranking should not get bonus points for being on the team. Not to mention no practical way to secure a place on the team you'd want to be loyal. No, banning every element but one is not a practical way. And asking the general to bid on you does not secure a place on it.
But being treated equally. Does this mean that both Masters and Challengers should get the same amount of points for War placement? Thoughts people?
War bonus points are a combination of achievement & loyalty bonus (ultimately less actual loyalty to an element more to the element of the war team you were on), so they aren't strictly a loyalty bonus (like trials bonus).
Guilds generating loyalty points: No. Not yet at least. I'd at least like to see guilds grow more before re-considering this. At current time I agree that trials are the only thing that will award loyalty points. I also want Guildmaster clarification on the ability of people to have joined a specific guild at the start and the current ability now to switch to a guild that they rather be in if they didn't start in the one they wanted to, and the planned switching ability in the future. (I hope a guildmaster sees this so I don't have to bother looking for them : P)
More Trials Loyalty points: I don't think this is a particularly good idea. I thought 3 was a good number. Half the amount of previous trials and not too much of an advantage over people who didn't participate in trials/that elemental trials before. Even disregarding the first part (half amount), I think 3 is a good amount. Too much and it becomes too much of an advantage for people who were here before, possibly allowing to overcome the Phase 1-2 points (even if thy count only if they get to the final battle, can still have the situation where master doesn't defend and only 2 challengers). So I think 3 is a good number, maybe 4. But 3 for this trials.
Also, I'm horrible at not talking till after a phase.