Phase 4: The Final Battle1. Ban Cards | 1st Even # Games | Extra Even # Games | 1st Odd # Games | Extra Odd # Games | 1st Ban | Extra Bans |
In-element cards | 4 points | 6 points | 5 points | 7 points | 9 points | 12 points |
Out-of-element cards | 2 point | 4 points | 3 points | 5 points | 5 points | 6 points |
’Other’ cards | 1 point | 1 point | 1 point | 1 points | 2 points | 4 points |
Pillars and Pendulums | Unbanable | Unbanable | Unbanable | Unbanable | Unbanable | Unbanable |
Shards | - | - | - | - | 1 point | 2 points |
- Game= a single game (1/9), Match is the best-of-nine (winner has won 5 games)
- Each player is given 32 ban points he/she may use to ban cards.
- Both the unupped and upped version of a card will be banned. Please list your bans using the unupgraded card.
- Pillars and pendulums cannot be banned. This does not include Quantum Pillar.
- Mark cards can be banned but only for the entire match and are counted as a card of the element.
- You can use the cards that you banned but not the cards your opponent banned, excluding shards.
- You can ban a card from being used in either an even (2,4,6,8) or odd number game(1,3,5,7,9).
- You may only ban, ban for odd numbered games, or ban for even numbered games once per card.
- If you ban an in-element card, you cannot ban another in-element card for either even/odd number games. You can only use two even/odd number game bans on in-element cards if you do not completely ban an in-element card.
- Banning a shard does not count as an elemental ban (IE, as a Trial of Aether participant you can ban Shard of Void for 1 point, then Parasite for 5 points). However, banning a shard bans it for both you and the opponent.
- The order you send in bans will determine what bans are illegal/legal (See example 3)
Example #1 (participant in Trial of Aether)
Ban Spark (9)
Ban Dagger (2)
Ban Maxwell's Demon even # games (2 points)
Ban Abomination odd # games (3 points)
Ban Shard of Serendipity (1 point)
Ban Shard of Sacrifice (2 points)
Ban Discord (5 points)
Ban Bone Dragon (5 points)
Ban Short Sword even # games (1 point)
Ban Sapphire Charger odd # games (3 points)
9+2+2+3+1+2+5+5+1+3=32 ban points used
Example #2 (participant in Trial of Aether)
Ban Spark (9) <- Legit because it's the first ban
Ban Lightning even # games (4) <-Not legit because they banned an in element card for all the games
Ban Parallel Universe (12) <- Legit because it's a full ban
Ban Immortal odd # games (5) <-Not legit because they banned an in element card for all the games
Ban Dagger (2)
9+12+2=23 ban points used
Example #3 (participant in Trial of Aether)
Ban Spark even # games (4)
Ban Lightning even # games (6)
Ban Maxwell's demon even # games (2)
Ban Abomination even # games (4)
Ban Purple Dragon even # games (4)
Ban Shard of Serendipity (1)
Ban Shard of Sacrifice (2)
Ban Shard of Focus (2)
Ban Shard of Integrity (2)
Ban Shard of Gratitude (2)
Ban Shard of Bravery (2)
Ban Shard of Patience (2) <- Not counted because they already have used 31 ban points at this point
Ban Dagger even # games (1) <- Counted because they still have 1 point remaining
4+6+2+4+4+1+2+2+2+2+2+1=32 ban points usedPM your ban list to
Onizuka. Banned cards will be made public when the countdown timer below reaches 0. Contestants will then have nine days to build their decks and fight.
A few more things:-To have no bans, you must send me a PM saying that you are banning no cards. If you don't send in this PM, then your spot in the final battle is liable to be given to someone else (Example: bogtro or Odii Odsen do not want to have bans but just do not send in a PM. ji412jo will gain the opportunity to compete in the final battle). If there is no one to take a place, then it will be counted as not banning anything (Example: hainkarga or Zso_Zso). If a replacement takes place, they will be given a few days to make a ban list and a few days extra to play their match.
-If you wish to share your ban list with your opponent before the end of the banning phase then you need to note in your ban list PM that you wish to do so. Once I receive a ban list PM that says that from each player, I will share the bans and no changes will be allowed after that point.
2. Prepare Decks- Any amount of cards.
- Maximum amount of upgraded cards is the number of points a player scored during phases 1-3 + bonus points
- At least half of the cards in your deck have to be in-element. Rest of cards can be from any element or 'other'. This means a 31-card deck must have 16 or more in-element cards. A 31-card deck with 15 in-element cards is illegal.
- Any mark.
- No cards completely banned by your opponent. Cards that were banned for the even/odd games in your match cannot be used during those games. Shards banned cannot be used by either player.
- Mark cards are cards of their respective elements.
3: Fight!The Final Battle is "best-of-nine" meaning that the player who gets five wins first, wins the battle. If a Master wins, he or she retains the title. If a challenger wins, he or she becomes the new Master. If mesaprotector wins, there will be no Light Master. If Zso_Zso wins, he will become the new Light Master.
Players are to contact their opponents using PMs and find a duel time that is suitable for both players. Keep in mind that best-of-nine might take a long time, so you might need up to two hours to finish all the matches. Players are highly encouraged to post a countdown timer for their duel in
Trials Final Battle Results at least 24 hours before it happens so that community members will have a chance to observe the battle.
Contestants have nine days to finish Final Battles. Please fight as soon as possible, however, to avoid running out of time. Please post match results and decks used in the Trials Battle Results thread created before the battle.
Recording matches: - Download screen recording software. Camstudio is the suggested choice.
- Follow the directions to record your screen while you play your matches.
- Upload the video to youtube. Follow the instructions there.
- Share the link with us.
![Smiley :)](
an example.
To send bans:Sending time is overTo play matches:Playtime is overClick here to view Trial Final Battle Bans.