@all contestants : do you consider yourself the best possible master for your element? If so, why. If not, who is in your eye, and why?
(separate question) Name one song that represents your element in your eye.
People who are trailing for earth.
I believe that all people who are trailing for

are worthy the the title of a master.
Terroking because he has been master of earth 3 times before and is a very good player.
When it comes to
myself it's a bit more complicated. I have always been a fire player, I choosed earth because I wanted to experience something new. I once made the thread
The versality of the immo rush but what I have found in earth is a way more versal element than fire, it has the ability to rush, to stall, to cc and pc in a different way than fire. I have come to really really like

and with my ambitious activity and somehow ok pvp skill I think I could make a great master.
Jen-i is a great pvper which I rate better than myself, he is also a nice person he could also make a great master.
I don't know much about
Drake but what I have seen is good.
I agree.
Time to get these question out of the way:
Do you plan to general your element for war?
If nothing changes, do you plan to attempt to lead your element in brawl?
I do.
To all:
Describe your plan for coordinating efforts among your War team across global time zones.
Edit: I left a word.
I have my tactic but ftm it's a secret.
Let's make them throw some mud,
@All trialers with 3 or more people in their trials element: Which of your competitors deserves the Master title the least?
*makes some popcorn and sits back*
Sorry Chapuz I won't answer that.
To all Trialists:
Would you rather have a master well-versed in the forum only or well-versed in Elements the Game only?
Thats a hard question. The first answer is both but that is a bad one. I guess I would prefer in the game since a good player gets awards at forum anyway if that is his intention.
To all Trialists:
How and where are you connected to the Element you are trialing for outside of Elements the Game?
He pretty fun question Marsu. Well I'm walking barefoot quiet often at our country house, I also eat things the grow in dirt.
O and for all people playing Mtg here is one of my favorite flavor text.
Food grow in dirt save time eat dirt.To everyone:
Design a card that is more or less balanced using typical balance formulae, yet would increase your element's power significantly. In other words, identify where your element is weak and design a card to remedy this.
Earth got few weeknes. It can rush, stall, cc, pc and can buff. Only
Only thing I I could think of is buff attack or heal, even if SS does.

This might not be the ultimate card but I think it could incease the por use of antlion.
To all Trialing:
What is your favorite deck, including your element, and for what reason has this deck become
so important to you?
I'm sorry, I don't have a favorite deck yet. But 1 of them is the Terratide deck. I like the ability to be able to CC, rush and borrow my creatures.
To all Trialists:
Reveal to the voters your current maximum lift on the bench press.
*Edit: added a word. 
It was years ago I did that thing. I think I did 50Kg.