Shard of Serendipity, Shard of Sacrifice, Soul Catcher, Shard of Focus, Phoenix, Shard of Patience, Shard of Divinity, Shard of Freedom, Precognition, Golden Nymph
Discord, Shard of Sacrifice, Shard of Focus, Earthquake, Empathic Bond, Fire Bolt, Shard of Bravery, Shard of Patience, Purify, Miracle, Shard of Freedom, Fog Shield, Shard of Readiness, Shard of Void, Dimension Shield, Shard of Wisdom
Shard of Serendipity, Shard of Sacrifice, Shard of Focus, Shard of Integrity, Shard of Gratitude, Shard of Bravery, Shard of Patience, Shard of Divinity, Shard of Freedom, Shard of Readiness, Shard of Void, Shard of Wisdom
Discord, Shard of Sacrifice, Momentum, Shard of Focus, Adrenaline, Green Nymph, Trident, Miracle, Fog Shield, Reverse Time, Lightning
Discord, Shard of Sacrifice, Shard of Focus, Titanium Shield, Adrenaline, Green Nymph, Thorn Carapace, Fire Shield, Ice Shield, Shard of Patience, Wings, Shard of Freedom, Reverse Time, Shard of Readiness, Devourer, Fractal, Dimension Shield
Antimatter, Purple Nymph, Bone Wall, Shard of Focus, Earthquake, Shard of Gratitude, Shard of Bravery, Arctic Squid, Sanctuary, Reverse Time, Lightning
Antimatter, Purple Nymph, Shard of Gratitude, Shard of Bravery, Devonian Dragon
Shard of Sacrifice, Shard of Focus, Shard of Gratitude, Fire Bolt, Nymph Tears, Nymph Queen, Miracle, Shard of Divinity, Unstable Gas, Blue Nymph, Nightmare, Dimension Shield
Discord, Shard of Sacrifice, Shard of Focus, Catapult, Earthquake, Graboid, Adrenaline, Green Nymph, Shard of Bravery, Nymph's Tears, Nymph Queen, Miracle, Shard of Freedom, Reverse Time, Steal, Dimension Shield
Discord, Shard of Sacrifice, Shard of Focus, Earthquake, Shard of Gratitude, Deflagration, Arctic Squid, Shard of Patience, Sanctuary, Shockwave, Steal, Dimension Shield
Antimatter, Purple Nymph, Shard of Sacrifice, Shard of Focus, Rage Potion, Red Nymph, Shard of Patience, Holy Light, Shard of Freedom, Reverse Time