I am totally lost at some of the rules posted. This is my first masters tourney, so maybe i'm just being an idiot. (Jenkar, stop rolling your eyes at me)
- Masters may use up to 9 cards for every element declared.
This can be interpreted so many ways. Please clarify
- Masters will not be able to call any element twice.
Is this within the same bo5 or between matches with other masters?
- No Rare card (Shard, Rare Weapon, Nymphs, Squid, Miracle, Pharaoh) may be used more than once.
per bo5 or for the entire tournament?
- Standalone marks are pillars of their respective elements
this is saying off-element mark cards are considered cards of that element and may be used only if that element is called?
- Identical deck marks may be used every game, even if the element has not been called or it has been called in a past match.
this is saying I can hypothetically use fire as my mark for every match even if I am not using fire cards, correct?