Phase 1 happening before registration increases the average quality of applicants that register.
Overseer issued bonus points:
This can help with quality control. However it should be structured to reflect that standard.
1) The Community should directly or indirectly select the judges.
2) The points given should be available to all participants, provided all participants display sufficient quality.
3) The standards of the overseers should be communicated as clearly as possible before participants begin the judged task.
4) This can be improved by removing subjectivity. (Ex: Bonus points to all participants whose Card Suggestion entries were all above 4 stars) However most objective standards are less accurate than expert guided subjective ones. So there is pros and cons either way at times.
Allow me to play devil's advocate a little with some of the Phase 1 suggestions that have been made (in hopes of finding more discussion):
-Wiki / Design Theory Article - Any specific ideas?
-PvE challenge (FG, halfbloods and/or Arena) - It's all been done and respective S&F threads are seldom positive. Ideas to keep it fresh?
-write a tutorial or strategy guide. - Any specific ideas? 60 new tutorials springing up sounds bonkers
-Mentor a newbie. - Can't think of a way to make this feasible within a week
-Quiz - Implementation ideas?
-Wakka wakka - Any other task ideas?
Wiki / Design Theory Article: Leaving it as a vague general topic lets the participants show their creativity and bring their interests to assist. Obviously there needs to be something (probably someone) that checks to see if an article in on topic (Not about koalas). (Ex: Someone might write/update card cost theory in a new thread. Another might investigate the design restrictions a new mechanic would impose on cards that have it. A third might dive into Thematic theory.)
PvE challenge (FG, halfbloods and/or Arena): Restricted deckbuilding vs an evolving foe (Arena). That category has a lot of ideas to keep it fresh and the opponent will adapt to any success. Possibly include a focus on the current most feared Arena deck (SoSac, Ghostmare, ...).