It has come to my attention that the announcement timer shows a time remaining that does not match its description of being 48 hours before the Phase 1 deadline. Which of the two is correct, why are Masters asked to clarify before this deadline and does this mean Masters declaring their intent to defend after the deadline will have to join as a challenger?
On a completely different note, when do we declare which phase 2 elements will be chosen from the completed phase 1 task?
To be honest, that was just a guideline. Some people (www3, for example) only want to trial for an element if the master is defending, so we thought it would be nice to give them some time to think after the master has made his decision. (and doing phase 1 task while having some time left as well).
About phase 2 elements, just add them as a spoiler as "Phase 2 element choice" or something along your phase 1 task. Sorry we forgot to mention that.