The bats have been tallied, and now we just wait for the results!
And the results for the mini-game are in too. Winning bets are:
The Close Call- (match-up with the most evenly distributed bets)
, with deuce22 claiming 15/26 bets!
The Obvious One - (the person with the most bets (or the least bets) <- will be the same match-up either way)
, with 25/26 bets! That's one more bet than last year (when it was 24/26)! That's over 95% of the bets going to one person!
These Odds Seem Right - (the match-up where gamblers bets closest approximate the initial odds)
, with a 3.03 voter effect!
The Not-So-Dark Horse- (the initial underdog who receives the most bets)
, with underdog Mr Muffin receiving 20 bets! I guess winning war as a life general does pay off.
The Bookie is Nuts- (the match-up with the biggest difference between the bets and the initial odds)
, with a 13.08 voter effect as iancudorinmarian claimed 24/26 bets!