Phase 1 will end in:
Phase 1 - Proving Your Worthiness
This phase is different in each Trial. It usually has something to do with helping out the community, but it can also be something where you show your skills as an Elements player or your devotion to your element. In Trials 11, the decisions you make in Phase 1 will affect your deck building rules in Phase 2 battles, as well as your opponents!
General Structure: In preparation to be a Master and to lead your Element into War, there are 6 tasks. Each Trialist (both Masters and challengers) MUST choose 2 tasks (the same task cannot be chosen multiple times). Each task you choose will unlock two Elements and some upgrades for you to use in Phase 2, but will also unlock one Element for your opponent to use. Not all tasks unlock the same Elements/upgrades!
You can earn up to 4 points for each task - for more detail see the 'Scoring' section. These points count towards which challengers fight for the title of Master in Phase 4, as well as the number of upgrades you may use in Phase 4.
If you choose more than 2 tasks we will randomly pick the 2 submitted tasks that earned the most points (so a task with a bonus point will always be picked), however you might end up with Phase 2 unlocks which you dislike.
The Tasks:
Task 1: The Warrior- This task is scored differently to the other tasks - see the 'Scoring' section for more details.
- You will play 2 extra Bo5 matches in Phase 2.
- These extra matches will only be played against other players who chose this task, or STANDINs if necessary.
- You will not play two Phase 2 matches against the same opponent.
- Matches will follow the standard Phase 2 Rules.
Submission details:- Simply post that you have chosen this task in your 'Challenger's Entrance' post.
Phase 2 Component:- Unlocks Elements
for you in deckbuilding. Unlocks
for your opponent during their matches against you. - Allows the use of up to 3 off-element upgraded cards plus 3 of any upgraded cards in each of your Phase 2 decks.
- An upgraded off-element Spell/Creature/Permanent counts as either one of your allowed off-element upgrades from this task or one of your allowed Spell/Creature/Permanent upgrades from another task - it does not count as both.
Task 2: The Fresh Recruits- Design an Alchemy card to replace the one currently in your Element.
- There is a table of the Alchemy cards below.
- Design a Nymph card to replace the one currently in your Element.
- There is a table of the Nymph cards below.
- The skill of your Nymph card should have the same effect as your Alchemy card.
- Your Nymph should be a creature similarly costed to the other Nymphs currently in the game.
- Comment on the balance of these cards.
- Consider how they can be used by all Elements, not just your own.
- Comment on how losing the current Alchemy/Nymph cards will effect your Element in War.
- Comment on how gaining your designed Alchemy/Nymph cards will effect your Element in War.
Submission details:- Post the card images and explanations in your Challenger's Entrance post.
- Card art is not important for scoring. Feel free to use the in-game art, custom art (copyright-free of course) or just leave the art blank.
- You will likely find sections 2 and 3 of this thread very helpful.
Phase 2 Component:- Unlocks Elements
for you in deckbuilding. Unlocks
for your opponent during their matches against you. - Allows the use of up to 5 of any upgraded cards in each of your Phase 2 decks.
Spoiler for Alchemy Cards/Nymphs:
Alchemy Card | Corresponding Nymph |
Antimatter | Purple Nymph |
Aflatoxin | Grey Nymph |
Black Hole | Amber Nymph |
Basilisk Blood | Auburn Nymph |
Adrenaline | Green Nymph |
Rage Potion | Red Nymph |
Nymphs Tears | Nymph Queen |
Luciferin | Light Nymph |
Unstable Gas | Blue Nymph |
Precognition | Golden Nymph |
Liquid Shadow | Black Nymph |
Quintessence | Turquoise Nymph |
Task 3: The Cultured Contender- Either design a banner for Trials or War, OR write a short story to add to the lore behind Trials or War.
- You may both make a banner and write a short story, but it isn't required. The quality of each is far more important than the quantity here.
- The banner will be judged when the width is set to 800px. Please ensure that your image is at a proper resolution/quality for this.
- Even if you are not that good at English, don't worry! Your submission for the story won't be judged on grammar or spelling, but rather on how creative and interesting your story is.
Submission details:- Post your banner/story in your Challenger's Entrance post.
Phase 2 Component:- Unlocks Elements
for you in deckbuilding. Unlocks
for your opponent during their matches against you. - Allows the use of up to 3 non-pillar/pendulum permanent upgrades plus 3 of any upgraded cards in each of your Phase 2 decks.
Task 4: The Determined- Design a PVP rule set that is heavily unfavourable to your element.
- Talk about what the strengths/best cards of your Element typically are, and explain why they would not be strong in this specific case.
- Build a deck that you think would do well in your designed metagame. At least half of the cards from this deck should come from your Trials Element.
- Explain how your deck works, and how you chose those cards to put in it.
- Talk about some of the other strong decks with these rules (these don't have to be from your Element), and tell us if you'd expect to win or lose against them with the deck you built and why.
Submission details:- Post your rule set, deck, and explanations in your Challenger's Entrance post.
Phase 2 Component- Unlocks Elements
for you in deckbuilding. Unlocks
for your opponent during their matches against you. - Allows the use of up to 4 pillar/pendulum upgrades plus 3 of any upgraded cards in each of your Phase 2 decks.
Task 5: The Elements Scribe- Write an in-depth strategy guide/article for Elements the Game.
- The article should not be limited to just one deck, but instead describe an entire archetype. You could also discuss an entire metagame, provide a guide to doing well in PvP or even write a new guide covering all the steps to becoming a pro at the game.
- Your article will be judged on how much knowledge or insight is shared, and how helpful it is for new players. For inspiration, check out the Elements Article section.
- Even if you are not that good at English, don't worry! Your submission won't be judged on grammar or spelling.
Submission details:- Write and format the article, and post it in your Phase 1 post. If you want to use the Wiki format, you may make it a page on the Elements Wiki and then provide the link to the page in your Phase 1 post.
Phase 2 Component:- Unlocks Elements
for you in deckbuilding. Unlocks
for your opponent during their matches vs you. - Allows the use of up to 3 creature upgrades plus 3 of any upgraded cards in each of your Phase 2 decks.
Task 6: The Forum Expert- Post a new thread and start an activity in your element's cards forum.
- The activity may be anything which makes people more active and enthusiastic about the element: a competition, a PvP event, or even just a fun deckbuilding contest.
- The activity should remain active for at least a week after posting. Try to keep it around for even longer, so that people can rally around your element!
- Submissions will be judged based on the community response.
Submission details:- Include a link to the thread in your phase 1 post. You may want to include a short intro to the activity along with the link.
Phase 2 Component:- Unlocks Elements
for you in deckbuilding. Unlocks
for your opponent during their matches vs you. - Allows the use of up to 3 spell upgrades plus 3 of any upgraded cards in each of your Phase 2 decks.
Note: You may use your in-Element cards regardless of whether or not your Element was unlocked in your Tasks in Phase 1.
Unlocking the Element you are trialing for lets you use one
deck per match per unlock.
Scoring:All tasks will receive 0-4 points. Scoring will be done by the Trial Overseers based on the following system:
- 0 Points: Completed none or very little of the task requirements
- 1 Point: Completed some of the task requirements
- 2 Points: Completed all of the task requirements
- 3 Points: Completed all of the task requirements, and added meaningful content that wasn't required
- 4 Points: Completed all of the task requirements, and an exceptional amount of extra content
To set expectations, very few task submissions will receive 4 points. At any point before the deadline, you may ask a Trials Overseer (
Afdarenty, or
Zawadx) to look at one of your tasks. We'll tell you how many points we would give the task, and point out which task requirement hasn't been completed (if any). As for adding something extra... that has to come from you!
Task 1: The Warrior is scored differently to the other tasks. Points will be awarded based on match record. A 0-2 record will reward 1 point, A 1-1 record will reward 2 points and A 2-0 record will reward 3 points. If players do not complete all matches they will score 0 points unless they can show clear effort to schedule the match, in which Trials Overseers will reward points on a case-by-case basis. Please note, it isn't possible to score 4 points for this task.
Submission- Put all of your completed tasks in your post in the 'Challenger's Entrance' thread for the Element you are competing in (links to each are at the bottom of this post). Be sure to follow the submission details!
- There is no limit for the text for any of the tasks, but try to be neither too short or too long.
- The Trials Overseers will try to review submissions as they're added, note where and why credit was not given, and update the Trials Standings thread with completed tasks. Players can expedite this by submitting well before the deadline and notifying a Trials Overseer in chat if one is present. But ultimately it's up to each player to make certain they've followed the directions.
- Remember that how well you do during Phase 1 and the nature of your submissions will most likely affect your score during Phase 3 (the community vote)and your deck building options in Phase 2.
Empty ApplicationsPlayers who enter the Trials before the initial deadline and do not declare tasks must confirm they want to continue with the Trial during the Extra Time by PMing the Trials Overseers or posting in the respective Phase 1 thread. They will receive 0 points for Phase 1, have normal Phase 2 Element unlocks, and have two fewer Phase 2 upgrades.
Edits after the DeadlineAny Trialist who updates their Phase 1 post after the Phase 1 deadline but within 24 hours of that deadline will be treated as though their post is empty (see above). Any edits after Phase 2 starts will result in a heavy point penalty and 0 points from Phase 1 tasks, or other significantly harsh punishment. If an edit needs to be made, notify the Trials Overseers (
Physsion or
How To Join:Make a post in the 'Challenger's Entrance' thread for the Element you wish to Trial for (links below). What you need to include in the post is explained there.
Click on the respective icon to be taken to the 'Challenger's Entrance' Thread: