Alright, I had more suggestions/feedback to make here but I want to make this suggestion now since it seems particularly relevant and fresh in my mind.
My feedback here is that I simply do not agree with the purpose of the "None worthy" option featured during Phase 3 in its current state.
Currently the only difference that this makes with respect to the Final Battle by selecting this option instead of not voting at all is that the inclusion of "None worthy" causes a near-equal reduction in upgrades for all participants, which from my perspective only makes a major difference if one of the Final Battle candidates has like less than 6 upgrades total.
The second effect that this has is much more personal since participants are able to actually see how many people think that they are so unsuitable for Mastership that selecting a final option of "None of the above" would still be better than seeing them represent the Element in question. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but the message conveyed by doing this is more malicious when an explanation is not provided as to why some voters elected to select that other option over the actual candidates because those reasons become left to interpretation, which from the perspective of said candidates is hard not to be seen as "all of you suck and I don't want to see you anywhere near this Element again". Had, for example, ian not publicly asked the "None worthy" voters why they had voted as such, would these voters have gone out of their way to communicate their reasons to him on their own? This is important to consider because without constructive criticism/feedback, whoever does become Master is left without a clear direction on how they can improve themselves in the future and in some scenarios having a Master that does not possess ambition or enthusiasm due to such events can actually be a worse outcome than having no Master represent said Element at all.
So, that being said, my current suggestions for this are as follows:
1) Either remove the "None worthy" option from polls in the future completely. Or
2) Give this option more meaning. If this is a community vote and a majority of the community honestly feels that having no master would be better than having one of the candidates represent the Element in question, then wouldn't it make sense for a case to be included where: "If 'None worthy' takes the majority vote, then a Final Battle does not take place as neither candidate has been deemed worthy"? Same could be said of Elements with one candidate participating. In addition, indicating who voted for this option and why would be a method of weeding out troll voters and people who select the option purely because they feel safe hiding behind their shield of anonymity.