Hello people! Imma ask some "getting to know you" questions.
1.For everyone: Is the element you are trialing for your favourite element? if its not then which is and why didnt you trial for it? If it is then which is your 2nd favourite and would consider trialing for it next time if you dont win these trials?
2.For everyone: Do you value higher the general of an element in war or the element itself? (for example your favourite element is

but STANDIN became the master of

would you want to join the great master STANDIN or your favourite element no matter what general it has?)
3. For everyone: On the other side of the coin. As a general yourself, would you value higher more active players that may not hold your element as their favourite or players that have your element as their favourite but arent so active-or there are other problems-?
4. Masters Only: how would react if you had the lowest votes out of everyone in phase 3?
5. Challengers Only: assuming you make it to the finals. How would you react if the master didnt draft you in the coming war?(considering you want to be in the same team)
6. Last question for everyone: Why do you want to win trials? Why do you want to be a master?
thank you. kthxbai