Game 1 (Loss) vs SoFr Pegi
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5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uo 5up 5us 5us 5us 5us 5us 5us 5vi 5vi 5vi 5vi 5vi 5vi 606 606 606 606 606 606 7t8 7tb 7tb 7tb 8pt
No Vamp Dagger and only 2 Drain Lives in half a deck along with a 1 pillar start meant I lost by a turn. Testing showed this to be in my favor.
Game 2 (Win) vs RoL/Hope
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5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uo 5up 5us 5us 5us 5us 5us 5us 5vi 5vi 5vi 5vi 5vi 5vi 606 606 606 606 606 606 7t8 7tb 7tb 7tb 8pt
Bad match up. montrossen had a fair draw, as did I. Two SoV in the top 10, as well as dusk and vamp dagger. Dusk did a good job of blocking his creatures. Only 2 Drains in 17 cards meant I had a very difficult decision in the final two turns: I was likely to die if I didn't use a Drain on one of his Dragons that turn, but would need to topdeck a Drain next turn to win it. I decided to kill the dragon, survived that turn with 5 health due to the health gain, and topdecked the Drain to win next turn.
Game 3 (Win) vs SoD Pegi
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5li 5lm 5lm 5lm 5lm 5lm 5lm 5m6 5m6 5m6 5m6 5m6 5m6 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uo 5uo 5ur 5us 5us 5us 5us 5us 5us 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 7k2 7k2 7tb 7tb 8pq
Great match up. I only started with 1 pendulum, but a slow draw for montrossen too. I had a Dagger, double sanc, double SoD and Dusk going before he started out damaging my healing. By then I had the time to play my miracles and get big Drains going on his blessed creatures.
Game 4 (Win) vs Firestall
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5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uo 5up 5us 5us 5us 5us 5us 5us 5vi 5vi 5vi 5vi 5vi 5vi 606 606 606 606 606 606 7t8 7tb 7tb 7tb 8pt
Bad match up (I think). I knew a Deflag heavy Firestall would be the most difficult deck to beat for me, and that's what montrossen played. Deflags meant all my SoV ended up doing was cancelling out the odd SoD, but Vamp Dagger was chipping away at his health all game. Only one bolt for montrossen meant I was surviving by the skin of my teeth (never drew dusk, so fahren was dealing a ton of damage). With about 8 cards left in my deck his health dropped into 6x drain + Dagger range for the first time, and I had the cards to win it.