Changing your deck between matchesYou are allowed to change your deck and mark between duels, but you only have 3 minutes to do so, which is why it's very important to build all your decks in advance. If it takes you longer than 3 minutes, it is considered a forfeit and the other player goes to next round.
In the rules it saysQuoteChanging your deck between matchesYou are allowed to change your deck and mark between duels, but you only have 3 minutes to do so, which is why it's very important to build all your decks in advance. If it takes you longer than 3 minutes, it is considered a forfeit and the other player goes to next round.Just to make sure I'm clear on this:Does this mean you can only change decks between opponents? Or can you change it in between each individual game you have with the same opponent?Thanks for the help.
Damn the one tournament I can sign up to is filled up before I get the chance, good luckt to everyone anyway.