Notes for the future. This is probably a place to look.
The tournament was well attended. The many rules didn't seem to scare (newer) players away, but it didn't get people to play circus side.
Nearly all players played beasts.
Tournament rules didn't mention the faction being displayed publicly.
Beast deck diversity looks fine, but the circus deck diversity doesn't.
Titan wasn't on the list. Circus was supposed to have catatitans. Might need to reconsider armagio and wings if titan is added.
Beasts could counter vader sader and dial decks with poison (chrya vs dial, parasite vs sader) + bone walls. Vader sader is strong in the meta, so BW needed for balance.
Circus needed nova to make dials gas and sose decks work. UG could be useful with bone wall around.
Hope has no use on the list for circus.
Wings doesn't fit thematically.