I'm sad. This is my favorite tourney type, won the first 2 edition. Now I had utter crap rng : 6/6 then 9/7 bad rng all-in-all.
1-2 vs www0-1 Shard Golem vs Immogolem
Worst Shard Golem draw I ever saw. 2 ppms, 2 Long Swords, only 1 SoI entire game and no SoBra whatsoever. No wonder I lost.
1-1 SoPa DBH vs Rustler
I had good start (T2 Disco), www had bad start (1 pillar), after that we had both bad draw. He had about 2 ppms in ~14 cards, meanwhile
I had only 1 dev, 2 salvagers and virtually nothing. SoPa came late, but it was just enough to win, because he started amassing his army.
1-2 Calin's vs SoPa Wardenbow
This friggin' deck never works in a real game, only when testing. Had only 1 Nova from 14 cards, and since he had an early Fog, then
slowly came the wardens I had no chance. A slow death, because his SoPa came also very late. I had 3 Novas left in the bottom 6 cards!
1-2 vs Naii0-1 Rustler vs SoPa Wardenbow
I had my 1st Rustler in T5... This tells everything. Had the idea of mitoing one of the wardens (he had 2 on board), but just before getting
my next Rustler (card#14 - is that T9?) to do the mito-trick he had another Warden. That ruined everything. Had to wait for another
Warden - and 8 quanta for 2 mitos. Did that was able to produce tons of quanta, but was about 1 turn short with that. He got the
SoPa next turn, game over.
1-1 Wasted Time vs Grav Dark Domin
This deck is so strong, even bad rng cannot beat it. Had only 2 Sundials in 20 cards. But Steals countered his Steals, so in the end I won.
(And I played an Lt. version instead of Gen...)
1-2 DevMito vs DevMito
Mirror. RNG battle. He had 4 I had 5 ppms. But no devs here... With that slightly more quanta I could have been able to recover from
that given I get a a dev in 1-2 turns later. But that didn't happen. I HAVEN'T GOT A SINGLE DEV FROM 14 CARDS.
2-1 vs Zya1-0 Immogolem vs Nova Discofrogs
First good rng. 4 TTW. Zya quit pretty quickly since she was too impulsive and pressed 3 Novas hastily in T1.
Given my very good hand it didn't matter in the end.
1-1 CrusaderBow vs SoPa Squid Voodoo
I had ZERO vaggers in 15 turns, meanwhile she got early SoPa and 2 vampires. RT only slightly slowed by loss.
2-1 Entro AdrenaStaves vs Immogolem
Last element
for her? That must be immo... she got pretty close to getting enough damage, but luckily it wasn't the RT version...