If you use novas, since they're free to play, your deck must have an odd number of elements, that's correct. Do notice that it says 6 cards minimum per element, not 6 cards of each card. (you could use one nova, 2 aboms, 1 am and 3 discords)
I was just making sure six cards of Nova or Immolation count as their element. So you can turn a duo into a trio by adding six novas or six Immolation. Thus making an otherwise odd deck even.
But you can't have novas in an even deck because nova, at zero, is an even number. You can only use novas/immolations to turn an even deck odd.
If it wasnt at 5 I would be in. At least other countries get a shot though.
I'm gonna try to get up at 5AM anyway, let's see how well that'll work out for me... XD