forgive me, but I just want to be sure so that I do not break the rules.
First question:
Since Other cards are not allowed, we can be sure quantum pillars are not allowed right??
Second question:
Let say I put my mark as time, then I place all earth creatures( just example ) , am i considered using 2 elements or 1 element??
Third question:
As stated by TORB, I have these concern about pendulums as well. let say i play duo elements, maybe dark and death, but i wan to play even cost cards, so I put one fire pendulum in my deck. can i be consider using trios and thus be able to play even cost cards??
( this happens in one tourny a few weeks back where we have to play the number of cards based on the number of elements. accidentally cause a drama due to pendulum misunderstanding. it is my first tourny at that time)
Please clarify them