[22:25:30] ‹PlayerOa› Don't submachine's decks seem to contain too many upgrades?
[22:25:36] ‹PlayerOa› or have I just misunderstood the rules
[22:30:54] ‹InsignificantWeeaboo›
[22:35:39] ‹Captain_Scibra› ‹@PlayerOa› water deck is fine...
[22:35:56] ‹Captain_Scibra› He actually could have has about 5 more upgrades in there.
[22:36:00] ‹Captain_Scibra› had*
[22:37:12] ‹Captain_Scibra› Same with the Earth one. Could have had more upgrades.,
[22:37:23] ‹Captain_Scibra› Each companion and tool grants an upgrade.
[22:37:35] ‹Captain_Scibra› You also start with 3 "free" upgrade slots.
[22:38:04] ‹Captain_Scibra› Each unique companion/tool also grants an additional upgrade.
[22:39:43] ‹Captain_Scibra› Actually, his Earth deck could have been almost fully upgraded because he used almost all tools and companions.
[22:40:10] ‹Captain_Scibra› I'm also just noticing that Oa left.
[22:41:36] ‹Captain_Scibra› I'm... also finding ironic that the term tool is kind of flipped. Most of the chemical/organic cards are tools too, at least mechanically speaking.
[22:53:09] ‹PlayerOa› Oh shoot. Completely misunderstood then.
[22:53:27] ‹PlayerOa› Though it was 3 + 1 * (each unique aid card)
[23:03:01] ‹Captain_Scibra› That +1 per aid card
[23:07:51] ‹PlayerOa› That’s what I missed
[23:08:20] ‹moehrpi› The rules are phrased weirdly. Additional copies are not unique.
[23:09:13] ‹Captain_Scibra› Rules also didn't really cap anything
[23:09:25] ‹moehrpi› They did?
[23:09:40] ‹Captain_Scibra› Other than upgrades,
[23:10:03] ‹moehrpi› Most cards were banned.
[23:10:03] ‹Captain_Scibra› Garden cards didn't really need to even be in decks.
[23:13:33] ‹Captain_Scibra› Wait.
[23:13:50] ‹Captain_Scibra› Is there that each tool/companion adds an upgrade?
[23:14:43] ‹Captain_Scibra› Other than uniques, that is.
[23:15:47] ‹Captain_Scibra› Maybe Oa didn't miss that...
[23:17:11] ‹Calindu› The decks are illegal, yeah
[23:17:42] ‹Calindu› Because otherwise, the term unique doesn't make sense there
[23:19:07] ‹moehrpi› ‹@Calindu› That's how I see it.