Should have slept. But I just awoken. First after 3 hours of sleep, because of those ugly pigeons, then just... my eyes popped out.
My brain knew it is tourney time.
OK, 7:50, let's eat something, 8:00 let's start building decks.
Mmmm, novas with devs, this will be good against Jen! Godly draw, hell yeah, he did really put up a fight, but when I also drew
a vagger, it was decided. 1-0. Relax time.
Next game: shard golems. Jen asks if I am dead sure my decks are legal. Eh. Rule check. Only monos and duos. 1-1.
What the... only 4 cards from another element in duos? There goes my first win, because I used 5 Novas... 0-2. GJ.
Against shock. Things went quite well, despite the almost complete lockdown from 2 squids. Dusk worked well. But didn't get
a single vagger from 18 friggin' cards!!!! GG.
Next game, oh, let's see. Maybe graboids will do their stuff. Time mark? Hm, that forces me to use pillars only, Trident looms there.
OK, 5 quantum pillars! Groovy, did get a QP in R1. Had a 1 time quantum in a few turns later. But SoDs can be scary... There goes
12 turns and I still had only 1 time quanta while I had 4 Graboids waiting... ridiculous. And imagine that threw that 12 turns I didn't
get another QP. Quanta denial by your own deck. Chance = 0,75^12 -> 3,2%. Please note that at the same time I did get only
1 QP from 20 cards. 3,9% chance for that. The 2 things happening together 0,032*0,039=0,001248, means 0,12%. Groovy.
(About 1:800.)
I did get another QP a turn later, but still no time quanta. Only another turn later. Didn't matter.
And you may ask why haven't I used only Novas. Because in most of the case 5 QPs in a deck yield more quanta then 4 Novas.
And you have less chance drawing 4 cards then 5... but who knows, with RNG like this. And no, didn't want to use time mark
due to Trident, that would forced me to go pillars all the way.