1st game - Lost against adrenafrogs. Pretty annoying that adrenafrogs was the first deck I speedbuilt, but chose this in the end. It was still a narrow game (against the AI because of a dc), but did get only one bw, and that's basically nothing against adrenafrogs.
2nd game - Lost against flying arsenics. Of course I also had an arsenic deck...
You may also ask that why did I use so much pillars, especially in the 2nd game. Well, I often get trolled by pillars, when using "normal" amounts. Getting 1-2 for turns, and so on. Now, I had 15 pillars in the 2nd deck. Guess what, I've got 10 pillars from 16 cards... grrrr.
ji412jo's deck is very practical, it was natural that poison decks had an advantage in this tourney, since no purifies were available. I guess the deck wouldn't be so good with only 10 pillars without the poisons, which just soften the opposition until the BPs arrive.