It looked interesting, but it was surprisingly hard to build decks for. Mine were all close variants of the ones already posted, except that my nymph one used life pendulums because I was expecting a lot of bone walls, and I had a firestall as well. I lost twice with my nymph deck against a pharaoh/bone wall deck, the first game because I got no NT/queen, and the second because my opponent got eternity and I got I think 5 NT/queen in the first hand
It would've been easier to build decks for if any of the elements had had useful splash zero cost cards, but the only ones were ones that basically required that element, as well (soulcatcher, immolation) or an element not used by anything else (sundial) and of those, only souclatcher was in the secondary elements, making that trick basically impossible. My pharaoh decks had 6 gravity pends and no other gravity cards, as one way to get around the restriction, and my nymph deck had an arsenic and a heal, plus pends and NT/queen to get around it. The poison/physalia/congeal/heal deck I made but didn't get to use kind of got around it, by simply not needing very much quanta at all to run; those were probably the best decks I had this time around.
This was everything I built, but like usual, I would've likely only used the best 4 or 5; I like to build more, even if I'd never use it, just to get an idea of what kind of decks are possible and hence what I might face from my opponents.