Each deck must contain exactly one element of a primary color and exactly two elements of secondary colors ONLY.
Not to be a pain in the tuckus, as I'm guessing it is this way for balancing purposes that I just haven't thought of, or some other such nonsense. And I realize that obviously this will not change. But wouldn't it make more sense for decks to consist of two primaries and one secondary? Like, the two primaries mix and create the secondary. So if I choose fire and time as my primaries, I should have to have gravity as my secondary.
Would make a lot more thematic sense to me.
TO Announcement:
Breaking news! To celebrate the 4th birthday of Elements the Game...
Hey, does that mean we will all get a "Slice of Elements' 4th Birthday cake"?
Yeah, I've been playing this game off and on since the beginning and have yet to get a slice of cake. If I don't get one because I'm at werk and can't attend this tourney, I'm going to sadface so hard that my face creates it's own gravitational pull, collapsing the earth's crust underneath my feet and throwing us out of orbit and into the sun.