Zawadx 2-0 deuce22
A bit anticlimactic winning this way, but ggs nonetheless. It was an honor playing ya deuce, and finally beating you for once ^^
Decks used:
Started off with




removed, which was pretty lucky as both were weak. Earth/life had EQ, but I'd overlooked that. And Fire/Water could fill many roles, but still it wouldn't be phenomenal.
Vs Root


- CP Psions: Really good rush vs almost anything. Discord just wrecks this meta, even though I only managed to get two Earth/Life decks with it. Turn 2 Disco prevented Root from doing anything.


- Death Rush (kindanotreally): Expected Root to bring out the Disco here, and so I brought the best counter I could think of (A sancstall might've served better, but I felt like they had equal chances at the time due to disco decks having powerful hitters). It started off pretty well too, and might've won too with a bonewall draw. But Root had a colossal start and soon was churning out a dragon every two turns, and I had no hope of surviving that without Bone wall.


- RT Splash: The RT Splash was pretty bi-polar. It could work splendidly, or it might've fallen on its feet due to being clogged by dragons. I included wyrms to try to strengthen it vs RT and BB, and it worked out. Very luckily, it worked out in the mirror.
Vs Kirby


- Rush: This was a pretty effective rush, except for when you draw three explosions in your opening hand. I did manage to use them all, tho I lost due to lack of early rush and bolts. The deck does have its flaws tho.


- Disco Duo: Was scared of losing at this point, so brought out another Disco. Took out another Earth/Life, this time one with a phenominally bad hand. At least it's a win.


- SoD Rush: I expected a rush or disco, and this felt the best vs both. Managed to draw both congeals in top half of deck and maintain lucky draws. I mean my quanta was pretty slow, but it all paid off when kirby didn't get the damage in time. He was playing what appeared to be a mono-fire... which I'm still kinda confused about.
Vs Deuce


- Pulvy Rush: I thought this was my best remaining deck vs Disco... when I ran into a stall xD Deuce conceded after a turn 1 Pulvy.


- Blessed Wyrms: I only won this because deuce forgot to put pends into his dim based darkness duo. He had very bad luck throughout the match, and should've won even with a slight change of RNG. He also played very skillfully right to the end.


- SoV Dials: Mostly neglected due to the weakness to disco.