armagio cata/bb/pulvy/hematite 2-2
-round 1 game 3 vs submachine WIN vs mitodilgo (pulvy wrecked all perms)
-round 2 game 1 vs blacksmith LOSS vs hg/pharaoh (late pulvy, quanta flood)
-round 3 game 3 vs DANIEELA WIN vs monogravity (pulvy turn 3 dominated)
-round 4 game 1 vs theelkspeaks LOSS vs mirror match (no pulvy for me, but he had one)
mitocatapult (not used; feared lobo would own this, but I never saw a lobo)
rage pot/fireeater (maybe use momentum due to opposing armagio?) 2-1
-round 2 game 2 vs blacksmith WIN vs pulvy/amber/BB (had deflags for first 2 pulvy)
-round 3 game 1 vs DANIEELA WIN vs monogravity (she was quanta flooded)
-round 4 game 2 vs theelkspeaks LOSS vs pulvy/BB (weak draw)
light stall (not used) (decided that this wouldn't work due to accelerated armagios likely being everywhere)
the quanta thief (6x steal 3x amber) 1-1
-round 1 game 1 vs submachine LOSS vs accelerated voodoo (bad draw, 1 steal only, which I had to use on a stiletto, and he had a very high quanta draw, like 5 or something)
-round 2 game 3 vs blacksmith WIN vs light stall (accelerated his armagio to prevent gpull and amber nymph denied miracle on the last turn ftw)
frozen catapult (not used) (figured it wasn't very good; I never saw anyone else use it, so it's probably true)
ridiculous mindgate deck 1-0 (but only because it faced an illegal deck) (I just had to do this :p I love mindgate, and since I knew everyone was using gravity... it almost made sense. I'd have used lobo, but with only 9 aether cards allowed, I decided to cut it for titan)
-round 1 game 2 vs submachine WIN vs mirror match (bad draw and I lost, but his deck was illegal)
timelord (not used) (figured this would be a strong deck vs a stall, but I didn't expect many/any stalls)
freeze/BB catapult 0-1
-round 3 game 2 vs DANIEELA LOSS vs monogravity (the catapult table I was relying upon was incorrect, and I left her at 1hp, though I'd have lost the next turn anyway even if I'd waited, so the fact that the table was wrong was irrelevant in this match. It had said that a 45hp creature would catapult for 32 damage, and I froze it, which is +50%, and then when I catapulted it, it did 47 damage instead of 48 and she survived at 1hp; I assume this was some kind of rounding behind the scenes that was not visible in the integer table)