This tourney looked like this: aaaaaand, Sub gets a golem with mutation... really.
I'm a bit disappointed, since I tried a lot of combos, but in the end no way to stop
Shard Golems with this ruleset. As Sub explained they didn't really want something
like that, allowed cards are more or less supportive of golems, though I don't
think a juggernaut really needs any sort of help.
0-2 vs. Submachine
Used the novaless version, don't know why. Let's say early morning mind bork.
Sub gets a golem with mutation, I left the game soon.
Tried out if defensive stuffs work. They haven't. With a lucky hand it should have worked,
though. He had another muta-golem here...
2-0 vs. MasterWalks
3 Novas in hand, SoBrs are scarce... I was still able to win somehow.
Let's try RoL Hope, while ignoring shard golems! It worked, though maybe only because MW had a lower attack (12) adrenalined golem.
1-2 vs Submachine
Toss lost, but he had a bad hand, so I won eventually. (Used basic shard golem deck again - the one against MW g1.)
Let's RoL Hope again! It worked fine, until he played his 2nd golem which turned out as a muta-golem... game over.
(Somehow forgot that Hopes are upgradeable, don't think it would have meant much. Maybe even slowing the
deck, 1 quanta can mean a lot.)
OK, back to g1 deck. He wins toss. I said game over. And yep. He had a muta-golem, again... Next turn - for the first time - I had
2 SoSes in hand (thx to a SoBr), but hey, fck you, here is ablaze, because you have 2 SoBrs, too. Game really over, I left
the game. (Later I saw that I had quanta to play another SoBr, so I would had the chance to create a muta-golem,
but really, it didn't matter, since he won cointoss, he would have mutated that, too.)
In all of these games, I never had a golem with mutation as skill. He had 3 out of 4 of our games. Considering
that one must have exactly 2 SoSes and less SoBrs, this is really lucky.